Aesthetic Restorations in Deciduous Anterior Teeth
Dental Caries in Children

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Dental Caries in Children
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Children ranging in age from 12 to 60 months with at least one active cavitated caries lesion involving more than 2 surfaces (C+ score) in deciduous upper incisors will be included. Exclusion Criteria: Patients with special needs, with general health conditions that may affect the oral cavity, whose guardians do not sign the Inform Consent Form will be excluded. In addition, teeth with pulp exposure, spontaneous pain, mobility, presence of swelling or fistula near the tooth and teeth with previous restorations.
Sites / Locations
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
conventional restoration group (control)
polyvinyl crown - experimental group
The teeth allocated in the conventional restoration group (control) will receive restorations in resin composed by incremental technique, using opaque resin. For this, 37% phosphoric acid (Condac37, FGM) will be applied for 15 seconds, and then, after washing and relative drying of the surface, application of universal adhesive (Universal Beautibond Adhesive, Shofu) with the aid of microbrush on the entire dental surface, photoactivation of the adhesive and restoration by incremental technique and photoactivation of each layer of resin for 20 seconds. The tooth will receive finishing and polishing through rotating instruments and abrasive discs (Supersnap, Shofu).
The teeth allocated in the experimental group will have the restorations carried out through monochromatic composite resin with chameleon effect in single insertion through polyvinyl crown. For this, 37% phosphoric acid (Condac37, FGM) will be applied for 15 seconds, and then, after washing and relative drying of the surface, application of universal adhesive (Universal Beautibond Adhesive, Shofu) with the aid of microbrush on the entire tooth surface, photoactivation of the adhesive and adaptation of the crown matrix in acetate filled with resin in the tooth. Photoactivation will be done for 20 seconds per dental face, and the acetate matrix is then removed. The tooth will receive finishing and polishing through rotating instruments and abrasive discs (Supersnap, Shofu).