earlY Upper Limb Rehabilitation WIth EEG-Neurofeedback After Stroke (YUWIN-Stroke)
Stroke, Stroke Hemorrhagic, Stroke, Ischemic

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Stroke focused on measuring Stroke, Rehabilitation, neurofeedback, Upper Limb
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Unilateral ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke Adult (18-80 years), both sexes Stroke < 3 weeks Upper limb deficit defined by Shoulder Abduction Finger Extension score <5 on day 3 of stroke; i.e., patients predicted to have incomplete recovery No participation-limiting comprehension problems With or without homonymous lateral hemianopia; with or without visuospatial hemineglect Free, informed and written consent signed by the patient or a member of the patient's family (in the case of a patient who is able to understand the information and give consent but has motor difficulties resulting in an invalid signature). Affiliated to french social security Exclusion Criteria: Ischemic or hemorrhagic brain stem and/or cerebellum involvement Multiple strokes Stroke < 1 week; in order not to be deleterious by starting active rehabilitation too early after immediate stroke Aphasia with major comprehension impairment Contraindication to MRI pacemaker or implantable defibrillator, neurosurgical clips, cochlear implants, intra-orbital or encephalic metallic foreign bodies, stents placed less than 4 weeks ago and osteosynthesis devices placed less than 6 weeks ago, claustrophobia.
Sites / Locations
- Rennes Chu
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Sham Comparator
Interventional group
Control group
electroencephalographic neurofeedback + traditional reference rehabilitation programme
SHAM electroencephalographic neurofeedback + traditional reference rehabilitation programme