Place of Copeptin-troponin Assay in the Elimination Diagnosis of Non-ST+ ACS (CopSCA)
Acute Myocardial Infarction

About this trial
This is an interventional diagnostic trial for Acute Myocardial Infarction focused on measuring Acute Myocardial Infarction, Troponine, Copeptine
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Patient ≥18 years old Presenting at the Pontoise emergency department by their own means / ambulance or patients taken care of by the SMUR and referred to the NOVO hospital - Pontoise site Chest pain less than 6 hours old Chest pain suggestive of ACS (compressive, intense pain, radiating into the arm and neck, mid-thoracic, left thoracic or epigastric location) Non-contributory ECG (no ST elevation, presence of bundle branch block) Informed and having expressed no objection Beneficiary of a social security system (or entitled person) Non -Inclusion Criteria: Sus ST-segment shift on ECG (ACS ST+) Intermittent pain/unclear onset time Pregnant woman Pain in the context of trauma Patient under guardianship Patient does not speak or understand French Exclusion Criteria: Non-ultrasensitive troponin measurement positive during the 1st SMUR sampling (> 0.08 ng.dL) Patient not referred to the NOVO hospital - Pontoise site by the SMUR
Sites / Locations
- Emergency Department (SAMU) Hospital NOVO - Pontoise siteRecruiting
- Emergency Service - UHCD Hospital NOVO - Pontoise siteRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Troponin and Copeptin assay
Collection of an additional blood tube for copeptin determination during blood collection for troponin testing as part of care.