The Development of a System for Measurement of Tremor
Essential Tremor, Dystonia

About this trial
This is an interventional diagnostic trial for Essential Tremor
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria - Control participants Aged 18 to 80 years Able to provide informed consent for self Able to comply with all study procedures Exclusion Criteria -Control participants Any neurological disorder Any other non-neurological cause of tremor e.g. medication induced Inclusion Criteria - ET participants Aged 18 to 80 years Able to provide informed consent for self Clinical diagnosis of ET or ET plus syndrome Able to comply with all study procedures Exclusion Criteria - ET Participants Tremor other than ET (e.g. parkinsonian, functional tremor) Presence of other movement disorder For DBS participants: willingness to turn off their IDU (deep brain stimulator battery) temporarily switched off during their assessment. Participants must have their own ability to turn this back on following the assessment.
Sites / Locations
- The Royal Victorina Eye and Ear Hospital
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Stage 1 Controls
Stage 2 Patients with Essential Tremor
Stage 3 Patients with Essential Tremor of varying severities
Stage 5
Control participants - healthy volunteers without a known neurological disorder
Participants with moderately severe essential tremor
Participants with essential tremor ranging from just detectable by neurologist to severe.
Participants with essential tremor and dystonia of the upper limbs, head and neck