Breathe Easier II: A Dyad-based Multiple Behavior Intervention (BE)
Lung Cancer, Nonsmall Cell, COPD, Self-Management
About this trial
This is an interventional supportive care trial for Lung Cancer, Nonsmall Cell focused on measuring Cancer Survivorship
Eligibility Criteria
Vulnerable populations: Three groups (prisoners, pregnant women and unborn fetuses, and children) will not be included in this study because there may be unknown risks. Prisoners will be excluded because if a survivor or a family member were a current prisoner, it would be impractical to expect an individual to fully participate for 6 months. Pregnant women and unborn fetuses will be excluded because there may be unknown risks. Inclusion of adolescents and children: Adolescents and children will be excluded also because they are younger than the Inclusion Criteria requirement of 21 years of age. Strategies to obtain representation of children in this study would not be appropriate, as they do not get the disease. Also, they will be excluded from participating as family members. Table 3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Inclusion Criteria: Survivors Completed primary treatment for localized NSCLC (stages I-III). Survivors receiving adjuvant therapy are eligible. Willing to use a cell phone capable of receiving text messages Willing to complete a 12-week, home-based intervention program that includes face-to-face and telephone interaction Willing to consider behavior change at this time A family member or friend is willing to participate who is at least 21 years old Able to speak and read English Capable of informed consent A health clearance form is signed by a health care provider prior to enrollment Inclusion Criteria: Family Members or Friends Willing to use a cell phone capable of receiving text messages Willing to complete a 12-week, home-based intervention program that includes face-to-face and telephone interaction Willing to consider behavior change at this time Has an eligible family member willing to participate who is at least 21 years old Able to speak and read English Capable of informed consent A health clearance form signed by a health care provider prior to enrollment Exclusion Criteria: Both A known diagnosis of advanced lung cancer (stage IV) Physical activity is not recommended A history of recurrent falls A substantial mobility impairment related to rheumatoid arthritis, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, paralysis, Parkinson's disease, stroke
Sites / Locations
- University of South CarolinaRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Attention Control
BE Intervention Group
Education: Each survivor will receive a copy of "Facing Forward; Life After Cancer Treatment" (No. 18-2424, March 2018). Each family member or friend will receive "When Someone You Love is Being Treated for Cancer" (No. 14-5726, May 2014). Specific parts of booklets will be reviewed during the 15-minute/per participant telephone "chat". Telephone "Chats": The primary purpose is study retention. After the first 12-week period ends the weekly chats will be tapered for 12 weeks. One text message delivered weekly by telephone is a reminder of the day and time of the chat(s). Tobacco Use Reduction: Many survivors of lung cancer struggle with nicotine addiction; smoking cessation and relapse prevention content will be made available to current smokers (The FOREVER FREE program - a free, twelve short booklet evidence-based resource created by the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute at the University of South Florida).
The BE Manual is an educational resource for Managing Stress, Increasing Physical Activity (PA) and Stopping Smoking and Staying Smoke free. A timed, weekly telephone counseling session (60 min./dyad max) will be recorded. The purpose is to provide social support with SMART goal setting, adherence monitoring, encouragement.. Breathing Exercises and Meditations are incorporated into the BE Manual and sent by a link via text messages. A Texting Library provides additional education, support, and encouragement daily. There are 5 story lines: BE Active, BE Kind to Yourself, BE Supportive and BE Smoke free (offered to current smokers only). Stay Smoke free will be instituted once tobacco use has stopped. Weekly Logs for tracking goals and progress with behavior changes (PA, breathing practices and meditations) and a pedometer are provided. After 12 weeks, the calls and texts will be tapered.