The Effect of Pranayama Breathing Exercise on Quality of Life in Lung Cancer Patients
Lung Cancer
About this trial
This is an interventional supportive care trial for Lung Cancer focused on measuring 1.Lung Cancer 2. Pranayama 3. Quality of Life 4.Nursing
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Over 18 years old, Lung Cancer Stage III and IV, Being literate, Having sufficient communication skills, Does not have any ailment that will reduce the ability to comprehend and understand, Agreeing to participate in the research, Knowing the diagnosis, Receiving chemotherapy treatment, ECOG performance score ≤ 2, Not using opioids or sedating drugs, Patients who can use smart phones themselves or their relatives will be included in the study Exclusion Criteria: Lung Cancer I., II., stage, Receiving radiotherapy, Having a history of Brain Metastasis, Using integrated health practices in the treatment process, Those who exercise regularly For patients over 65 years of age, patients with a score below 24 on the mini mental test were not included in the study. Research Termination Criteria Intervention Group Developing additional health problems, Unwilling to continue the practice of pranayama breathing exercise, Those who lost their lives during the research process, Those who do not practice pranayama breathing exercise as recommended or cannot do it effectively, The study will be terminated with patients who want to withdraw from the study. Control Group Developing additional health problems, Those who lost their lives during the research process, The study will be terminated with patients who want to withdraw from the study.
Sites / Locations
- Erciyes UniversityRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Applications to the Intervention Group
Applications to the Control Group
Patients with lung cancer admitted to the outpatient chemotherapy unit will be given pranayama breathing exercises every day for 4 weeks, covering 15-20 minutes. In patient education, the pranayama breathing exercise will be applied face-to-face by the researcher on the first day of chemotherapy treatment, before drug treatment. The application steps will be repeated until the patient learns, both by explaining and showing the patient, and if there are points that the patient cannot do, they will be corrected. When the patients are observed to perform the application fully and the chemotherapy treatments are finished, they will be asked to do the pranayama breathing exercise every day for 4 weeks, and with the same researcher 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Saturday) with a smart phone whatsapp video call, the effectiveness and continuity of the application will be ensured and the patients will be monitored.
A pre-test will be applied to lung cancer patients in the control group who applied to the day chemotherapy unit. After the application of the personal information form and the quality of life scale, no breathing exercises will be performed. Individuals will continue their daily lives. After 4 weeks, the quality of life scale will be administered again. After the implementation of the quality of life scale, pranayama breathing exercise training will be given to all control group patients and they will be applied for 2 sessions.(The study will begin before the patients in both the experimental and control groups receive chemotherapy, which is their routine treatment).