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Pharmacokinetic Characterization of a Single 200 mg Dose of Doxycycline in Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Different Biological Compartments (DOXY-PK)

Primary Purpose

Post-exposure Prophylaxis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Doxycycline

Not yet recruiting
Not Applicable
Study Type
Sponsored by
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris
Full info

About this trial

This is an interventional other trial for Post-exposure Prophylaxis

Eligibility Criteria

18 Years - 100 Years (Adult, Older Adult)MaleAccepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion Criteria: Adult male patient Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) on PrEP regularly taking doxycycline for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) prevention Has not taken doxycycline for at least 3 months No symptoms of bacterial STI infection (chlamydia, gonorrhea, Mycoplasma genitalium or syphilis). Documented history of bacterial STI infection within the past 12 months Having had a risky intercourse within 24 hours and at the latest within 72 hours and for which a prescription of doxycycline in a single dose of 200 mg has been made within the framework of his usual follow-up. Free, informed, written consent, signed by the person and the investigator at the latest on the day of inclusion and before any examination carried out within the framework of the study (article L1122-1-1 of the Public Health Code). Person affiliated or benefiting from a social security system (article L1121-11 of the Public Health Code) Exclusion Criteria: Systemic treatment with retinoids (Acnetrait®, Procuta®, Curacné®, Contracné®, ....). Treatment with enzyme-inducing anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, etc.). Known allergy to antibiotics of the tetracycline family. Known allergy to one of the components of doxycycline tablets. Documented esophageal injury Ongoing treatment with doxycycline at the time of inclusion. Person participating in another research study with an exclusion period still in progress at inclusion. Persons under guardianship, conservatorship, or deprived of liberty by judicial or administrative decision. Patients on State Medical Aid

Sites / Locations

    Arms of the Study

    Arm 1

    Arm Type


    Arm Label

    Adult male patient

    Arm Description

    Men having Sex with Men on PrEP (pre-Exposition Prophylaxy) regularly taking doxycycline for Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevention


    Primary Outcome Measures

    Concentration of doxycycline in urine

    Secondary Outcome Measures

    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Doxycycline concentration in hair
    Doxycycline concentration in hair
    Doxycycline concentration in hair
    Number of biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage
    Determine the biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage in more than 90% of the samples collected during the study.
    Number of biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage
    Determine the biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage in more than 90% of the samples collected during the study.
    Number of biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage
    Determine the biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage in more than 90% of the samples collected during the study.
    Number of biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage
    Determine the biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage in more than 90% of the samples collected during the study.
    Cmax (maximum concentration) in plasma
    Cmax (maximum concentration) in whole blood
    Cmax (maximum concentration) in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Cmax (maximum concentration) in urine
    Cmax (maximum concentration) in hair
    AUC (area under the curve) in plasma
    AUC (area under the curve) in whole blood
    AUC (area under the curve) in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    AUC (area under the curve) in urine
    AUC (area under the curve) in hair
    Elimination clearance in plasma
    Elimination clearance in whole blood
    Elimination clearance in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Elimination clearance in urine
    Elimination clearance in hair
    Half-life in plasma
    Half-life in whole blood
    Half-life in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Half-life in urine
    Half-life in hair
    Mean residence time in plasma
    Mean residence time in whole blood
    Mean residence time in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Mean residence time in urine
    Mean residence time in hair
    Volume of distribution in plasma
    Volume of distribution in whole blood
    Volume of distribution in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Volume of distribution in urine
    Volume of distribution in hair

    Full Information

    First Posted
    June 30, 2023
    Last Updated
    August 21, 2023
    Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris

    1. Study Identification

    Unique Protocol Identification Number
    Brief Title
    Pharmacokinetic Characterization of a Single 200 mg Dose of Doxycycline in Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Different Biological Compartments
    Official Title
    Caractérisation de la pharmacocinétique d'Une Dose Unique de 200 mg de Doxycycline en Prophylaxie Post-exposition (PEP) Des Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles Dans différents Compartiments Biologiques
    Study Type

    2. Study Status

    Record Verification Date
    March 2023
    Overall Recruitment Status
    Not yet recruiting
    Study Start Date
    September 2023 (Anticipated)
    Primary Completion Date
    March 2025 (Anticipated)
    Study Completion Date
    March 2025 (Anticipated)

    3. Sponsor/Collaborators

    Responsible Party, by Official Title
    Name of the Sponsor
    Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris

    4. Oversight

    Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
    Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
    Data Monitoring Committee

    5. Study Description

    Brief Summary
    Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) using doxycycline 200 mg within 24 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse to prevent sexually transmitted infections has demonstrated a reduction in the incidence of chlamydial and syphilis infections and syphilis infection by 70% and 73% in men who have sex with men (MSM) undergoing pre-exposure prophylaxis prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV. Other studies are underway or in development on doxycycline prophylaxis for bacterial STIs, which are particularly common in this population. Monitoring adherence to PEP is of great interest in guaranteeing the effectiveness of this strategy and to be able to assess the uptake of PEP among PrEP users. Among the many methods for assessing adherence, measuring drug concentrations is a more accurate measure of adherence than self-reporting. The therapeutic monitoring of doxycycline and the assessment of adherence have been described using plasma and hair samples, allowing estimation of intake over the last 3-4 days and 4 months, respectively. Nevertheless, these biological matrices present several limitations for application in clinical practice: reflecting the duration of exposure should be more in line with the frequency of visits (2 months), and the collection of hair samples may be difficult due to refusal or short hair. On the other hand, interpretation of the hair assay is limited by the degradation of doxycycline in this matrix, which could lead to underestimation of drug intake. By Therefore, new biological matrices are needed for more accurate assessment of doxycycline adherence in post-exposure prevention monitoring. The objective is to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of doxycycline in plasma, whole blood, dried blood spots (DBS), urine and hair after a single dose of doxycycline in men using oral doxycycline for post-exposure prophylaxis of sexually transmitted infections (syphilis or Chlamydia trachomatis) and having sex with men.

    6. Conditions and Keywords

    Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
    Post-exposure Prophylaxis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Doxycycline

    7. Study Design

    Primary Purpose
    Study Phase
    Not Applicable
    Interventional Study Model
    Single Group Assignment
    None (Open Label)
    25 (Anticipated)

    8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions

    Arm Title
    Adult male patient
    Arm Type
    Arm Description
    Men having Sex with Men on PrEP (pre-Exposition Prophylaxy) regularly taking doxycycline for Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevention
    Intervention Type
    Intervention Name(s)
    Intervention Description
    Blood samples, urine samples and oropharyngeal swabs before taking 200mg of doxycycline and then 2h, 24h, 48h, 7 days, 14 days, 60 days and 90 days after the single dose of doxycycline Hair samples: at the time of doxycycline administration, 1 month and 3 months after the single dose of doxycycline
    Primary Outcome Measure Information:
    Concentration of doxycycline in urine
    Time Frame
    At Day 90
    Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Time Frame
    Before the single intake of doxycycline
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Time Frame
    2 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Time Frame
    24 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Time Frame
    48 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Time Frame
    7 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Time Frame
    14 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Time Frame
    30 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Time Frame
    60 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in plasma
    Time Frame
    90 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Time Frame
    Before the single intake of doxycycline
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Time Frame
    2 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Time Frame
    24 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Time Frame
    48 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Time Frame
    7 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Time Frame
    14 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Time Frame
    30 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Time Frame
    60 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in whole blood
    Time Frame
    90 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    Before the single intake of doxycycline
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    2 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    24 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    48 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    7 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    14 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    30 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    60 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    90 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Time Frame
    Before the single intake of doxycycline
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Time Frame
    2 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Time Frame
    24 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Time Frame
    48 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Time Frame
    7 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Time Frame
    14 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Time Frame
    30 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycyline in urine
    Time Frame
    60 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Time Frame
    Before the single intake of doxycycline
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Time Frame
    2 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Time Frame
    24 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Time Frame
    48 hours after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Time Frame
    7 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Time Frame
    14 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Time Frame
    30 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Time Frame
    60 days after doxycycline intake
    Concentration of doxycycline in oropharyngeal secretions
    Time Frame
    90 days after doxycycline intake
    Doxycycline concentration in hair
    Time Frame
    Before the single intake of doxycycline
    Doxycycline concentration in hair
    Time Frame
    1 month after doxycycline intake
    Doxycycline concentration in hair
    Time Frame
    3 months after doxycycline intake
    Number of biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage
    Determine the biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage in more than 90% of the samples collected during the study.
    Time Frame
    Up to 15 days
    Number of biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage
    Determine the biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage in more than 90% of the samples collected during the study.
    Time Frame
    Up to 30 days
    Number of biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage
    Determine the biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage in more than 90% of the samples collected during the study.
    Time Frame
    Up to 60 days
    Number of biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage
    Determine the biological matrix(es) associated with a quantifiable doxycycline dosage in more than 90% of the samples collected during the study.
    Time Frame
    Up to 90 days
    Cmax (maximum concentration) in plasma
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Cmax (maximum concentration) in whole blood
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Cmax (maximum concentration) in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Cmax (maximum concentration) in urine
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Cmax (maximum concentration) in hair
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    AUC (area under the curve) in plasma
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    AUC (area under the curve) in whole blood
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    AUC (area under the curve) in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    AUC (area under the curve) in urine
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    AUC (area under the curve) in hair
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Elimination clearance in plasma
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Elimination clearance in whole blood
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Elimination clearance in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Elimination clearance in urine
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Elimination clearance in hair
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Half-life in plasma
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Half-life in whole blood
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Half-life in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Half-life in urine
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Half-life in hair
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Mean residence time in plasma
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Mean residence time in whole blood
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Mean residence time in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Mean residence time in urine
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Mean residence time in hair
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Volume of distribution in plasma
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Volume of distribution in whole blood
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Volume of distribution in Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Volume of distribution in urine
    Time Frame
    Until day 90
    Volume of distribution in hair
    Time Frame
    Until day 90

    10. Eligibility

    Minimum Age & Unit of Time
    18 Years
    Maximum Age & Unit of Time
    100 Years
    Accepts Healthy Volunteers
    Accepts Healthy Volunteers
    Eligibility Criteria
    Inclusion Criteria: Adult male patient Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) on PrEP regularly taking doxycycline for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) prevention Has not taken doxycycline for at least 3 months No symptoms of bacterial STI infection (chlamydia, gonorrhea, Mycoplasma genitalium or syphilis). Documented history of bacterial STI infection within the past 12 months Having had a risky intercourse within 24 hours and at the latest within 72 hours and for which a prescription of doxycycline in a single dose of 200 mg has been made within the framework of his usual follow-up. Free, informed, written consent, signed by the person and the investigator at the latest on the day of inclusion and before any examination carried out within the framework of the study (article L1122-1-1 of the Public Health Code). Person affiliated or benefiting from a social security system (article L1121-11 of the Public Health Code) Exclusion Criteria: Systemic treatment with retinoids (Acnetrait®, Procuta®, Curacné®, Contracné®, ....). Treatment with enzyme-inducing anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, etc.). Known allergy to antibiotics of the tetracycline family. Known allergy to one of the components of doxycycline tablets. Documented esophageal injury Ongoing treatment with doxycycline at the time of inclusion. Person participating in another research study with an exclusion period still in progress at inclusion. Persons under guardianship, conservatorship, or deprived of liberty by judicial or administrative decision. Patients on State Medical Aid
    Central Contact Person:
    First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
    Lauriane GOLDWIRT, Dr
    +33 1 42 49 43 25
    First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
    Jérôme Lambert, Dr

    12. IPD Sharing Statement

    Plan to Share IPD

    Learn more about this trial

    Pharmacokinetic Characterization of a Single 200 mg Dose of Doxycycline in Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Different Biological Compartments

    We'll reach out to this number within 24 hrs