Induction to Labour With Double Cervical Ballon at Home Versus at Hospital (INDOBAMHOS)
Induced; Birth, Cervical Dilatation, Live Birth

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Induced; Birth
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Pregnant women with ages >18 y.o Being able to read and understand the informed consent Accept to join the study when signing the informed consent Singleton Cephalic presentation Weeks of gestation between equal or more than 37 and less than 42 Low risk indication of labor induction: Cronologically prolonged gestation Intermediate risk indication of labor induction: Macrosoma, Elevated maternal age, Intrahepatic Gestacional Colestasis, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus treated with diet, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus with insulin therapy and correct metabollic controls, Small for gestacional age fetus, Stable chronic hypertension, anterior caesarean section Exclusion Criteria: Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) Breech presentation Unstable presentation Polihydramnios Severe congenital fetal afection Fetal growth restriction Suspected fetal well-being loss on CTG Bishop score equal or higher than seven before insertion of the CRB High cephalic presentation Home further than 30min from Hospital Preeclampsia Diabetes Mellitus type 1 Maternal Hypertension Other maternal pathology with severe compromise Vaginal delivery Exclusion: Oclusive and non-occlusive placenta previa (marginal or low insertion) Vasa previa Transverse / Oblique situation Cord prolapse History of previous caesarean section with uterine incission in inverted T History of uterine rupture Two or more previous Caesarean section Active genital herpetical infection
Sites / Locations
- Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant PauRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
At home patients group
Hospitalized patients group
After insertion of the Cervical Rippening Balloon and checking fetal and maternal well-being, the patient will go home between 6 and 8 hours to complete the cervical rippening process. The patient will remove autonomously the balloon and will go to the hospital one hour later, where the induction will continue.
After the insertion of the Cervical Rippening Balloon and verifications of the fetal and materna well-being, the patient will undergo the cervical rippening process for between 6 and 8 hours in the hospital and will remain hospitalized until the time of the delivery.