ACTive Exoskeleton for Unilaterally-Assisted Locomotion (ACTUAL) (ACTUAL)
Stroke Sequelae, Gait, Hemiplegic

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Stroke Sequelae focused on measuring User centered design, Stroke, Gait rehabilitation, Hemiparesis, Exoskeleton
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Healthy subjects Age 30-75 anni; 50 kg ≤ weight ≤90 kg 150 cm ≤ height ≤ 192 cm Thigh length: 355 ÷ 475 mm; Length of tibia: 405 ÷ 485 mm; Width pelvis: 690 ÷ 990 mm; Shoe number: 36 ÷ 45 Subjects with stroke Age 30-75 anni; 50 kg ≤ Weight ≤90 kg 150 cm ≤ Height ≤ 192 cm Thigh length: 355 ÷ 475 mm; Length of tibia: 405 ÷ 485 mm; Pelvic width: 690 ÷ 990 mm; Shoe number: 36 ÷ 45; Stroke diagnosis at least 3 months and within 24 months; First unilateral haemorrhagic or ischemic stroke classified as complete or partial infarction of the anterior circulation and infarction of the lacunar circulation (Oxford Stroke Classification: TACS -Total Anterior Circulation Stroke, PACS - Partial Anterior Circulation Stroke, LACS -Lacunar Stroke). These criteria may include hemiplegia, hemianopia, motor and/or sensory deficits, and disturbance/impairment of superior cortical and subcortical function; FAC (Functional Ambulation Category) 1, 2 and 3 (subjects with ambulation dependent on supervisor or continuous or intermittent physical assistance); At least MRC (Medical Research Council) of the triceps surae equal to 1 or greater (required to produce the biofeedback tone or for exoskeleton control). Exclusion Criteria: Healthy subjects Prosthetic implants Musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders that may impair gait; State of pregnancy or breastfeeding. Exclusion criteria Subjects with stroke Mini Mental State Examination < 23/30; Clinical records of visuospatial and ideomotor apraxia, behavioral disorders (e.g. depression, aggression), neglect, major visual impairment and severe osteoporosis; Non stabilized fractures; Cranial injury; Other diseases attributable to cardio-respiratory problemsi; State of pregnancy or breastfeeding; Previous or concurrent neoplasic malignancy; Chronic inflammatory diseases with joint involvement of the lower limbs; Serious spasticity (Ashworth>3); Pelvic fractures and unstable column; Significant limitations of passive ROM of hips and knees; Problems with skin integrity at the interface surfaces with the device or that would prevent sitting.
Sites / Locations
- Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi IRCCSRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Exoskeleton Stroke group
Healthy control group
This group will receive gait rehabilitation with the exoskeleton for 20 sessions in clinic.
The quantitative data, including EMG and 3D kinematics, from 10 healthy controls walking with the exoskeleton will serve as comparative data for the experimental group.