Effects of an Eccentric Muscle Strengthening Protocol on Force Moment, Muscle Activation and Plantar Flexor Structure of Patients With Central Nervous System Injuries. (RenfExc)
Spinal Cord Injured, Post-stroke

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Spinal Cord Injured focused on measuring Neurological rehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Eccentric muscle strengthening, Strength, Spastic paresis, Stroke, Spinal cord injury
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Patient aged between 18 and 80 years Patient with stroke< 6 months or Patient with spinal cord injury American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Impairment Scale C or D (incomplete motor impairment) < 6 months (second secondary criterion). Patient hospitalized for primary rehabilitation in the neurological PRM department of Nantes University Hospital. Patient with plantar flexor muscle hyperactivity: spasticity rated at least 1 on the modified Ashworth scale Patient with voluntary motricity rated at least 2 on the MRC (Medical Research Council) scale Exclusion Criteria: History of functional surgery <3 months or intramuscular injection into plantar flexors <6 months Patient with osteoarticular lesions contraindicating rehabilitation Patient unlikely to adhere to protocol (severe cognitive impairment) and/or non-compliant Patient with a progressive pathology contraindicating efforts (syrinx, cancer, cardiovascular instability, etc.) Minors, protected adults, adults unable to give consent or pregnant women.
Sites / Locations
- Chu de Nantes
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Active Comparator
No Intervention
Experimental " EXC "
Comparator " CONC "
Control " CTL "
eccentric strengthening + conventional rehabilitation
concentric strengthening + conventional rehabilitation
no strengthening (control, conventional rehabilitation only)