A Pilot Project of Virologic, Pharmacologic and Immunologic Correlates of Gastrointestinal-Associated Lymphoid Tissue Immune Reconstitution Following Maraviroc Therapy
HIV Infections
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for HIV Infections focused on measuring HIV, HIV positive, Gastrointestinal Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT), GALT Immune Reconstruction, treatment naive
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Males and Females ages 18 years to 60 years inclusive
- HIV positive (no anticipated antiretroviral therapy adjustments/changes)
- CD4 count greater than or equal to 50 cells/ml within 30 days of screening
- CCR5 tropism by Trofile ES(TM)
- Can be on secondary prophylaxis with a history of AIDS defining illness
- All females of child-bearing potential must agree to use barrier methods to prevent pregnancy or be abstinent from sexual activity while on study.
- willing to sign consent form
- HIV Negative individuals will also be recruited for this study as a Control Group
Exclusion Criteria:
- allergy to peanuts or soya (maraviroc contains soya lecithin)
- abnormal coagulation parameters (PT greater than or equal to 1.2 ULN)
- thrombocytopenia (platelet count less than 50,000 within 6 weeks)
- known GI pathology
- contra-indications to upper endoscopy or conscious sedation
- anemia greater than grade 1
- any active acute opportunistic infection (OI) or therapy for acute OI within 30 days of entry into study
- positive pregnancy test
- aspirin, ibuprofen, warfarin, or other agents that interfere with the coagulation cascade taken within 1 week of endoscopy
Sites / Locations
- CARES Clinic
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
No Intervention
maraviroc in combination with 2 NRTIs (dual nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor) pre-determined with primary care physician
maraviroc PLUS raltegravir in combination with 2 NRTIs (dual nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor) pre-determined with primary care physician
efavirenz or other NNRTI (non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor) in combination with 2 NRTIs (dual nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor) pre-determined with primary care physician