A Pilot Study of Activated T Cell Therapy for Refractory/Relapsed Neuroblastoma
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Neuroblastoma focused on measuring refractory/relapsed neuroblastoma patients
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Informed consent
- Age 21 years or younger
- Histologically confirmed neuroblastoma
- Progressive disease after standard treatment or relapsed patient
- ECOG scale (ECOG-PS) ≤2
- Expected survival at least 3 months
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients with autoimmune disease
- Patients with immunodeficiency
- Other malignancy 5 year prior to this study
- Severe organ dysfunction
- Severe allergic disease
- Severe psychiatric disorder
- Pregnancy or lactating woman
Sites / Locations
- Seoul National University Hospital
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Activated T-lymphocyte
This was designed as a single-center, single group clinical trial, and subjects include patients with refractory refractory/relapsed neuroblastoma. If subjects agree to participate in the clinical trial by signing a written consent, only appropriate subjects, who meet the criteria on the examinations and tests, will undergo this clinical trial. To participate in the clinical trial, subject's blood of more than 60 ml should be withdrawn to make a study drug at least 3 weeks before administration. Subjects should visit to hospital according to the protocol and receive a study drug. Therapeutic response rate, overall survival rate, time to progression should be investigated.