A Study of MK-2225 / ACE-1334 in Participants With Systemic Sclerosis With and Without Interstitial Lung Disease (MK-2225-002)
Systemic Sclerosis With and Without Interstitial Lung Disease

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Systemic Sclerosis With and Without Interstitial Lung Disease focused on measuring Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis, Scleroderma, Systemic Sclerosis, Systemic Sclerosis-associated Interstitial Lung Disease
Eligibility Criteria
The main inclusion and exclusion criteria include but are not limited to the following:
Inclusion Criteria:
- Participants must have SSc, as defined using the 2013 American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism criteria
- If participant is on a non-excluded immunosuppressive therapy (e.g. mycophenolate, methotrexate, azathioprine, etc.) the dose should be stable for > 2 months at the time of screening
Women of childbearing potential must:
- If sexually active, have used, and agree to use, highly effective contraception without interruption, for at least 28 days prior to starting investigational product, during the study (including dose interruptions), and for 17 weeks (119 days) after discontinuation of study treatment
- Refrain from breastfeeding a child or donating blood, eggs, or ovum for the duration of the study and for at least 17 weeks (119 days) after the last dose of study treatment
Male participants must:
- Agree to use a condom, defined as a male latex condom or nonlatex condom NOT made out of natural (animal) membrane (e.g., polyurethane), during sexual contact with a pregnant female or a female of childbearing potential while participating in the study, during dose interruptions, and for at least 17 weeks (119 days) following investigational product discontinuation, even if he has undergone a successful vasectomy
- Refrain from donating blood or sperm for the duration of the study and for 17 weeks (119 days) after the last dose of study treatment
- Must agree to not participate in any other study of investigational drugs/devices while enrolled in this study
Exclusion Criteria:
- Participant with SSc-pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) (except those participants with mild PAH on up to 2 oral drugs and mean pulmonary arterial pressure < 30 mmHg or low risk by risk calculator)
- In the opinion of the investigator, other clinically significant pulmonary abnormalities (such as obstructive lung disease, asthma, etc.)
- Other investigational therapy received within 1 month or 6 half-lives (whichever is greater) prior to the Screening Visit
- Prior exposure to MK-2225 or other TGF-β antibodies or any TGF-β family targeted biologic or hypersensitivity to the components of MK-2225
- Hypersensitivity to placebo or any of its components
- Previous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) or HSCT planned within the next year
- Major surgical procedures planned during the study period
- Oral prednisone or equivalent > 10 mg/day
- Participant with history of gastric antral vascular ectasia or gastrointestinal bleed
- On anticoagulation therapy (such as prophylaxis anticoagulation, warfarin, direct thrombin inhibitors or other including low molecular weight subcutaneous or intravenous therapeutic heparin), or antiplatelet therapy including aspirin. Use of fish oil supplements within 2 weeks prior to randomization and throughout study is not permitted.
- History of any other medical condition that might interfere with a participant's ability to participate in the study
- Active clinically significant viral, bacterial, or fungal infection, or any episode of infection requiring hospitalization within 4 weeks prior to screening
- Use of cyclophosphamide ≤ 6 months from screening
- Use of nintedanib or pirfenidone ≤ 28 days from screening
- Recent scleroderma renal crisis < 6 months before screening
- Use of tocilizumab ≤ 2 months from screening
- Has received any nonlive vaccine starting from 14 days prior to study intervention or is scheduled to receive any nonlive vaccine through 30 days following study intervention. Exception: COVID-19 vaccine may be administered.
Sites / Locations
- UCSD Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (Site 1013)Recruiting
- Keck Medical Center ( Site 1001)Recruiting
- Georgetown University Medical Center ( Site 1010)Recruiting
- University of Florida ( Site 1002)Recruiting
- Central Florida Pulmonary Group ( Site 1005)Recruiting
- Medster Research, LLC ( Site 1017)Recruiting
- University of Kansas Medical Center ( Site 1007)Recruiting
- The Cleveland Clinic Foundation ( Site 1003)Recruiting
- Penn State Milton S Hershey Medical Center ( Site 1004)Recruiting
- West Tennessee Research Institute ( Site 1012)Recruiting
- Metroplex Clinical Research Center ( Site 1018)
- Mount Sinai Hospital ( Site 1101)Recruiting
- Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi (Site 1401)Recruiting
- Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata Di Verona ( Site 1402)Recruiting
- Hôpital Neuchatelois ( Site 1304)Recruiting
- Kantonsspital St. Gallen (Site 1301)Recruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Arm 5
Arm 6
Arm 7
Arm 8
Arm 9
Arm 10
Arm 11
Arm 12
Placebo Comparator
Placebo Comparator
Placebo Comparator
Placebo Comparator
Placebo Comparator
Placebo Comparator
Cohort 1: MK-2225
Cohort 1: Placebo
Cohort 2: MK-2225
Cohort 2: Placebo
Cohort 3: MK-2225
Cohort 3: Placebo
Cohort 4: MK-2225
Cohort 4: Placebo
Cohort 5: MK-2225
Cohort 5: Placebo
Cohort 6: MK-2225
Cohort 6: Placebo
Participants in Cohort 1 will receive MK-2225 at 0.25 mg/kg once every two weeks (Q2W) plus standard of care (SOC) for 12 weeks.
Participants in Cohort 1 will receive placebo Q2W plus SOC for 12 weeks.
Participants in Cohort 2 will receive MK-2225 at 0.5 mg/kg (or lower) Q2W plus SOC for 12 weeks.
Participants in Cohort 2 will receive placebo Q2W plus SOC for 12 weeks.
Participants in Cohort 3 will receive MK-2225 at 1.0 mg/kg (or lower) Q2W plus SOC for 12 weeks.
Participants in Cohort 3 will receive placebo Q2W plus SOC for 12 weeks.
Participants in Cohort 4 will receive MK-2225 at ≤2.0 mg/kg Q2W if needed plus SOC for 12 weeks.
Participants in Cohort 4 will receive placebo Q2W plus SOC for 12 weeks.
Participants in Cohort 5 will receive MK-2225 (no more frequent than Q2W) ≤2.25 mg/kg Q2W or ≤4.5 mg/kg Q4W if needed plus SOC for 12 weeks.
Participants in Cohort 5 will receive (no more frequent than Q2W) placebo plus SOC for 12 weeks.
Participants in Cohort 6 will receive MK-2225 (no more frequent than Q2W) ≤2.25 mg/kg Q2W or ≤4.5 mg/kg Q4W if needed plus SOC for 12 weeks.
Participants in Cohort 6 will receive (no more frequent than Q2W) placebo plus SOC for 12 weeks.