A Study of Tirbanibulin on the Wellbeing of Participants With Actinic Keratoses
Actinic Keratosis

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Actinic Keratosis focused on measuring Keratosis, Tirbanibulin
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Written informed consent. Males or females aged greater than or equal to (>=)18 years. Diagnosis of clinically typical AK in one contiguous area on the face or scalp with a treatment area of 25^cm2 containing 4-8 AK lesions. Participants not previously treated for AK on the current treatment area of the face or scalp in the last 6 months. However, previous AK treatment in other small areas (up to 25^cm2) in the last greater than >1 to less than <6 months is allowed. Females must be postmenopausal (A female said to be postmenopausal should be >45 years of age with at least 12 months of amenorrhea), surgically sterile (by hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy, or tubal ligation); or, if of child-bearing potential, must be using highly effective contraception for at least 30 days or 1 menstrual cycle, whichever is longer, prior to study treatment and must agree to continue to use highly effective contraception for at least 30 days following their last dose of study treatment. Highly effective contraception includes oral hormonal contraceptives, hormonal contraceptive intercourse. Sexually active males who have not had a vasectomy, and whose partner is reproductively capable, must agree to use barrier contraception from Screening through 90 days after their last dose of study treatment. All participants must agree not to donate sperm or eggs from screening through 90 days following their last dose of study treatment. Females of child-bearing potential must have a negative serum pregnancy test at Screening and a negative urine pregnancy test on Day 0 prior to dose administration. Willing to avoid excessive sun or UV (ultraviolet light) light exposure to the face or scalp. Exclusion Criteria: Clinically atypical and/or rapidly changing AK lesions. Location of the treatment area is within 5 cm of an incompletely healed wound or a suspected basal cell carcinoma (BCC)/squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Skin disease (e.g., atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema) or condition (e.g., open wounds, scarring) in the treatment area that might interfere with the study results or suppose an unacceptable risk. History of sensitivity to any of the ingredients in the tirbanibulin formulation. Participated in a clinical trial during which an investigational study medication was administered within 30 days or 5 half-lives of the investigational product, whichever is longer, before dosing. Participants with a history of tirbanibulin treatment for AK lesions and participants who are currently on tirbanibulin treatment for AK lesions. Use of immunomodulators (e.g., azathioprine), cytotoxic drugs (e.g., cyclophosphamide, vinblastine, chlorambucil, methotrexate) or interferons/ interferon inducers and systemic immunosuppressive agents (e.g., cyclosporine, prednisone, methotrexate, alefacept, infliximab) within 4 weeks prior to the Screening visit, except for organ transplant recipients under stable immunosuppressive therapy for 6 months. Use of systemic retinoids (e.g., isotretinoin, acitretin, bexarotene) within 6 months prior to the Screening visit. Use of the following therapies and/or medications within 2 weeks prior to the Screening Visit: Cosmetic or therapeutic procedures (e.g., use of liquid nitrogen, surgical excision, curettage, dermabrasion, medium or greater depth chemical peel, laser resurfacing) within the treatment area or within 2 cm of the selected treatment area Acid-containing therapeutic products (e.g., salicylic acid or fruit acids, such as alpha- and beta-hydroxyl acids and glycolic acids), topical retinoids, or light chemical peels within the treatment area or within 2 cm of the selected treatment area Topical salves (nonmedicated/nonirritant lotion and cream are acceptable) or topical steroids within the treatment area or within 2 cm of the selected treatment area; artificial tanners within the treatment area or within 5 cm of the selected treatment area. Females who are pregnant or nursing.
Sites / Locations
- Almirall Investigational Site 3Recruiting
- Almirall Investigational Site 1Recruiting
- Almirall Investigational Site 2Recruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Tirbanibulin 2.5 milligrams (mg) ointment
Participants will apply tirbanibulin ointment- topically at a dose of 2.5 mg once daily for 5 consecutive days- on the face or scalp.