An Epidemiological Study to Assess Iron Overload Using MRI in Patients With Transfusional Siderosis (TIMES Study)
Thalassemia, Non-transfusional-dependent Thalassemia (NTDT), Myeloplastic Dysplasia (MDS), Other Anemia

About this trial
This is an interventional other trial for Thalassemia, Non-transfusional-dependent Thalassemia (NTDT), Myeloplastic Dysplasia (MDS), Other Anemia focused on measuring iron overload, liver iron concentration (LIC), cardiac siderosis, transfusional siderosis, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age ≥18 years
- Confirmed clinical diagnosis of one of the following disease states: 1. Myelodysplastic syndromes, 2. Thalassaemia major, 3.Other anaemias (e.g. NTDT, SCD, Diamond-Blackfan anaemia, aplastic anaemia, myeloproliferative disease)
- Lifetime history of at least 20 units of red blood cell transfusions AND serum ferritin level > 500 ng/ml; patients with NTDT are not required to have a minimum of 20 units of red blood cell transfusions, but must have serum ferritin level > 300 ng/ml (serum ferritin for all patients must be measured up to 1 month prior to enrollment)
- Written informed consent obtained prior to any procedure required by this protocol
Exclusion Criteria:
Any condition that does not allow the MRI test to be performed: 1. Cardiac pacemaker, 2. Ferromagnetic metal implants other than those approved as safe for use in MR scanners (Example: some types of aneurysm clips, shrapnel), 3. Obesity (exceeding the equipment limits), 4. Patients who are claustrophobic to MR Women who are pregnant Unwillingness or being unable to give consent
Sites / Locations
- Novartis Investigative Site
- Novartis Investigative Site
- Novartis Investigative Site
- Novartis Investigative Site
- Novartis Investigative Site
- Novartis Investigative Site
- Novartis Investigative Site
- Novartis Investigative Site
- Novartis Investigative Site
- Novartis Investigative Site
- Novartis Investigative Site
- Novartis Investigative Site
- Novartis Investigative Site
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
All participants were subjected to a non-invasive hepatic and cardiac MRI within 60 days of enrollment to measure iron overload.