Association Between Health Care Provider (HCP)-Assessed ECOG Performance Status (PS) and Overall Survival, and Objectively Measure of Physical Activity (PA) Levels in Advance-cancer Patients"
Malignant Head and Neck Neoplasm, Malignant Neoplasm, Metastatic Malignant Neoplasm in the Neck

About this trial
This is an interventional health services research trial for Malignant Head and Neck Neoplasm
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Diagnosis of any stage I - IV colorectal cancer or recurrent colorectal cancer (Arm 1)
- Able to speak, read, and write in English (Pre-pilot phase, Arms 1-4)
- Able to provide informed consent (Pre-pilot phase, Arms 1-4, PCS study)
- Lives in the Houston area (Harris county or a contiguous county) (Pre-pilot phase)
- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) status of 0 - 2, or self-reports being up and about more than 50% of waking hours and able to provide self-care (Arm 1)
- Diagnosis of any of the following cancers: stage 1-4b oropharyngeal, hypopharyngeal, nasopharyngeal, salivary gland or oral cavity; stage 3-4b laryngeal; any unknown primary head and neck cancer with cervical metastasis that will be addressed with treatment to bilateral necks and mucosa; or other head and neck cancers medically approved by one of our Radiation Oncology collaborating medical doctors (MDs) (Arms 2 and 3)
- History of any cancer, other than non-melanoma skin cancer (Arm 4)
- Admitted to being a current smoker or recent quitter upon admission to MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) (Arm 4)
- Has a valid home address and functioning home telephone number (Arm 4)
- Lives in the Houston or surrounding area, or resides in this same area during the time period that coincides with this study (Arms 1-4)
- Patients who will undergo curative pancreatectomy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, or pancreatic cysts (malignant or benign) (PCS study)
- Fluent in English (PCS study)
- Must have telephone access and agree to engage with research personnel using telephone (PCS study)
- Diagnosis of a metastatic or locally unresectable solid tumor (TAPS study)
- Fluent in English (TAPS study)
- Age 18 years or older (TAPS study)
- ECOG performance status score between 0-3 (TAPS study)
Exclusion Criteria:
- Major surgery in the past 8 weeks (Arms 1 and 4)
- Self-reports hypertension that is not being monitored by a physician and is not being managed with either medication, observation, or lifestyle change (Pre-pilot phase, Arms 1-3)
- Overt cognitive difficulty demonstrated by not being clearly oriented to time or person or place (Arms 1-4)
- Orthopedic, neurologic, or musculoskeletal disability that would interfere with the functional task of standing on a weight scale (Pre-pilot phase, Arm 2)
- Not currently receiving radiation treatment for a cancer listed in the arm-specific inclusion criteria (Arms 2 and 3)
- Zubrod performance status > 2, or self-reports either not being up and about more than 50% of waking hours or unable to provide self-care (Arms 2 and 3)
- Currently receiving treatment for a cancer other than those listed in the arm-specific inclusion criteria (exception: the study does not exclude those receiving treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer) (Arms 2 and 3)
- History of current oropharyngeal dysphagia unrelated to cancer diagnosis (e.g. dysphagia due to underlying neurogenic disorder) (Arm 3 only)
- Active substance use disorder (diagnosed or strongly suspected) (Arm 4)
- Currently enrolled in protocol 2014-0712 (PCS study)
- No home access to internet (PCS study)
- No home WiFi connection (PCS study)
- During clinician's pre-surgical evaluation, presents with high risk for non-therapeutic resection related to cancer diagnosis (PCS study)
- Underlying unstable cardiac or pulmonary disease or symptomatic cardiac disease (New York Heart Association functional class III or IV) (PCS study)
- Recent fracture or acute musculoskeletal injury that precludes the ability to fully bear weight on all 4 limbs in order to participate in an exercise intervention (PCS study)
- Poorly-controlled pain with a self-reported pain score of 7/10 at the time of enrollment (PCS study)
- Myopathic or rheumatologic disease that impacts physical function (PCS study)
- Has a pacemaker or other internal medical device, or reports being pregnant (PCS study)
- Currently enrolled in protocol 2017-0198 (PCS study)
- Demonstration of overt cognitive difficulty as demonstrated by not being clearly oriented to time or person or place (TAPS study)
Sites / Locations
- M D Anderson Cancer CenterRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Arm 5
Arm 6
Arm I (colorectal cancer patients)
Arm II (head and neck cancer patients)
Arm III (head and neck cancer patients)
Arm IV (cancer survivors that are current/former smokers)
PCS (pancreatic surgery patients)
TAPS (Technological Approach to Performance Status)
(CLOSED TO ACCRUAL AS OF 01/30/14) Patients use two accelerometers, a blood pressure monitor, a heart rate monitor, a GPS device, and a smart phone that prompts patients to electronically answer questions about exercise and health-related symptoms and feelings. The devices are used for 5 consecutive days. After a 2 week period, patients resume use of the devices for an additional 5 days.
(CLOSED TO ACCRUAL AS OF 01/30/14) Patients use two accelerometers, a blood pressure monitor, a weight scale, and a smart phone that prompts patients to electronically answer questions about diet and health-related symptoms. The devices are used for 5 consecutive days. After a 2 week period, patients resume use of the devices for an additional 5 days.
(CLOSED TO ACCRUAL AS OF 01/30/14) Patients use a smart phone that prompts patients to electronically answer questions about diet, health-related symptoms, and swallowing exercises. Patients also take video recordings of their neck while performing swallowing exercises. The device is used for 5 consecutive days. After a 2 week period, patients resume use of the device for an additional 5 days.
(CLOSED TO ACCRUAL AS OF 01/30/14) Patients use a CO monitor and a smart phone that prompts patients to electronically answer questions about smoking. Patients also take video recordings of themselves while exhaling into the CO monitor. The devices are used for 5 consecutive days. After a 2 week period, patients resume use of the devices for an additional 5 days.
Patients receive post-surgical wellness program consisting of physical activity, nutrition counseling, and daily monitoring (physical activity, weight, and self-reported data) for up to 7 months post-op.
Patients use two Physical Activity monitor devices, the wrist-worn device (Fitbit) continuously and the Actigraph during waking hours. Patients use the devices for 7 consecutive days.