BReak Interval Delayed Surgery for Gastrointestinal Extraperitoneal Rectal Cancer (BRIDGE)
Rectal Cancer

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Rectal Cancer focused on measuring Conservative Treatment, Neoadjuvant Therapy, Radiotherapy
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- ECOG Performance Status 0-1
- Histological confirmation of Adenocarcinoma
- Rectal tumor localized within 12 cm from the internal anal sphincter (IAS)
- Clinical stage cT2N1-2, M0; cT3, N0-N2, M0 and MRF - , EMVI -
- Absence of major comorbidities contraindicating oncological treatments
- Major/complete clinical-instrumental response after CRT treatment
- Informed consent acquisition
Exclusion Criteria:
- cT4 and/or mesorectal fascia involvement (MRF+) and or EMVI +
- T localized at a distance > 12 cm from the internal anal sphincter (IAS)
- Presence of extramesorectal nodes
- Presence of distant metastases
- Pregnancy or breastfeeding status
- Diagnosis of tumor in other sites treated within the last five years, with the exception of basal cell skin carcinoma or in situ carcinoma of the cervix
- Absolute contraindication to pelvic radiotherapy, chemotherapy and/or surgery
- Contraindication to magnetic resonance imaging and/or endoscopy
- Informed consent absence
- Partial response, "no-change" or disease progression at restaging after 7-8 weeks from CRT end
Sites / Locations
- Fondazione policlinico universitario a. gemelli IRCCSRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Control arm
Experimental arm
Patients undergoing surgery 9-11 weeks after the end of chemoradiotherapy, whose major/complete response has to be assessed with clinical-instrumental exams to be performed 7-8 weeks after the end of chemoradiotherapy.
Patients undergoing surgery 13-16 weeks after the end of chemoradiotherapy, (length of surgical interval ) showing a major/complete response at the clinical-instrumental exams to be performed 7-8 weeks after the end of chemoradiotherapy. These patients will undergo a repetition of re-staging (a second clinical and instrumental re-evaluation after 11-12 weeks and then surgery 13-16 weeks after the end of chemoradiotherapy.)