Clinical Decision Support to Implement ED-initiated Buprenorphine for OUD (EMBED)
Clinical Decision Support, Buprenorphine, Opioid-use Disorder
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Clinical Decision Support focused on measuring Opioid Use Disorder, Buprenorphine, Opioid-use Disorder, Health IT
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- All clinicians working in Emergency Departments in the selected sites
- 18 years or older
- Will meet an EHR-derived phenotype suggesting possible OUD will be included in the analysis
- Will be discharged from the ED
- Not pregnant
- Not currently taking any medication for Opioid Use Disorder
Exclusion Criteria:
- Have a medical or psychiatric condition that requires hospitalization during the ED visit
- Have prior enrollment in the current study
- Currently in addiction treatment
- Be a prisoner or in police custody at the time of ED visit
Note: The CDS will also be available for physicians to use when patients do not meet the EHR phenotype. These patients will be excluded from the primary analyses
Sites / Locations
- UAB Medicine Highlands - Highlands ED, (HED)
- UAB - University Hospital ED (UED)
- UAB Freestanding Emergency Department of Gardendale (GED)
- UCHealth Anschutz Medical Campus (AMC)
- UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central
- UCHealth Memorial Hospital North (MHN)
- UCHealth Poudre Valley Hospital (PVH)
- UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies
- Bridgeport Hospital ED (BPT), YNHHS
- Greenwich Hospital ED (GH), YNHHS
- St Raphael's Campus (SRC), YNHHS
- Lawrence + Memorial Hospital ED (L&M), YNHHS
- Baystate Franklin
- Baystate Wing Hospital ED
- Baystate Springfield Hospital ED
- Baystate Mary Lane Hospital ED
- Baystate Noble
- UNC Hospitals Emergency Department, UNCHS
- REX Healthcare Emergency Department, UNCHS
- Emergency Care Center at Nash General Hospital, UNCHS
- Chatham Hospital ED, UNCHS
- Johnston Health ED, UNCHS
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Clinical Decision Support for BUP
Usual Care
The Clinical Decision Support (CDS) will be available for clinician use for Emergency Department (ED)-initiated buprenorphine/naloxone (BUP) with referral for ongoing medication assisted treatment (MAT) if: ED chief complaint or urine drug screen indicate opioid use. The clinician will then be prompted to complete DSM-5 checklist for OUD. If DSM-5 OUD Score>5 and urine drug screen is positive for opioids, then the clinician is prompted to complete COWS scale. If COWS score >12, then the clinician is prompted to order BUP. Regardless of COWS score, the clinician will be prompted to schedule an MAT appointment with BUP provider. The CDS will interface with outside MAT facilities so that making an appointment is easy and to capture data on whether an appointment has been scheduled.
The CDS will not be activated and patients will receive care as usual.