Community-Based Model for Delivery of Antiretroviral Therapy in Cambodia
HIV Infections, AIDS

About this trial
This is an interventional health services research trial for HIV Infections focused on measuring HIV, Community-based services, ART, Operational research, Intervention, Cambodia
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion criteria:
- Receiving ART for at least one year.
- No adverse drug reactions or ARV drug interactions requiring regular monitoring.
- No suspected or confirmed tuberculosis, no other opportunistic infections, and not on any prophylaxis.
- Not pregnant/breastfeeding (for women).
- Having a good understanding of lifelong treatment and adherence to the medication.
- Presenting with evidence of treatment success: two consecutive undetectable viral load measures (or, in the absence of viral load monitoring, CD4 counts above 200 cells/mm3 and objective adherence measure).
- Aged ≥15 years.
- On the first-line ARV regimen.
Exclusion criteria
- Unstable people living with HIV as defined above
- Mobile populations
Sites / Locations
- KHANA Center for Population Health ResearchRecruiting
- Cambodia Anti-Tuberculosis AssociationRecruiting
- National Center for Tuberculosis and Leprosy ControlRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Community-based ART delivery (CAD)
ART multi-month dispensing (MMD)
The CAD model intervention will take place for 24 months. A total of 2000 registered stable people living with HIV will form into the CAD group. The investigators have developed the implementation guide, monitoring tools, quality assurance checklist, and lists of people living with HIV in selected ART clinics for the CAD model intervention. The first step will be to extract the data disaggregated by gender, age, and type of sub-populations, including adolescents, female entertainment workers, men who have sex with men, transgender women, and people who use drugs from the national database using the definitions introduced by the WHO. Once the list is completed with patient ART codes, a consultative meeting combined with the project orientation will be convened. Providers from the selected ART clinics and implementing partners at each site will divide stable people living with HIV into their respective groups based on the ART sites.
A total of 2000 registered stable people living with HIV will form into the control group and received standard services under the MDD model. The control-arm participants will visit the ART clinics and collect their ARVs from the facility-based staff.