Connective Tissue Graft Wall Technique in Management of Cairo's RT2 and RT3 With Intra-bony Defects
Recession, Gingival

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Recession, Gingival
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Teeth with buccal RT2 and RT3 recession associated with an intra-bony defect on single rooted teeth.
- Single and multiple recessions.
- Full mouth plaque score (FMPS )<20% at baseline.
- Full mouth bleeding score (FMBS )<10% at baseline.
- Systemically healthy.
- Cooperative patients.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Smokers.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Stage 4 Grade C periodontitis.
Sites / Locations
- Faculty of dentistry Cairo University
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
De-epithelialized connective tissue graft wall
Simplified papilla preservation flap will be applied in the narrow interproximal spaces (≤2 mm), where an oblique incision starting from the gingival margin at the buccal-line angle of the involved tooth reaching the mid-interproximal portion of the papilla under the contact point of the adjacent tooth will be performed using a 15c blade. A free gingival graft will be obtained from the hard palate and de-epithelized extra-orally. A Coronally advanced flap will be performed. The de-epithelialized FGG will be sutured coronally using a 6-0 vicryl suture to the anatomical papillae of the two teeth adjacent to the defect and apically to the periosteum left in place apical to the exposed bone. The flap will be sutured using internal Horizontal mattress suture at the base of the simplified papilla and a vertical mattress suture will be placed in a more coronal position so complete soft tissue closure can be obtained.