Corneal Collagen Crosslinking to Increase the Resistance of the Support Graft of the KPro Type I Against Corneal Melting (CXL-KPro)
Corneal Melting in Boston Keratoprosthesis Type I

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Corneal Melting in Boston Keratoprosthesis Type I
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Candidate for KPro type I
- Capacity to give written consent
- Ability to be followed for the duration of the study
Exclusion Criteria:
- Participation in another interventional study
- Failure to wear a therapeutic contact lens due to abnormalities of the eyelids.
- Inability to give written consent
Contraindications to the KPro type I:
- Severe dryness with keratinization of the ocular surface
- Intraocular tumor
- Terminal glaucoma
- Inoperable retinal detachment
- Phthisis bulbi
Sites / Locations
- Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de MontréalRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Kpro with crosslinked graft-support
KPro with normal graft-support
Patient will receive a crosslinked corneal graft-support for the KPro type I. Under sterile conditions, the corneo-scleral button will be inspected, then placed on an artificial anterior chamber. The epithelium of the donor will be removed mechanically. Then one drop of riboflavin 0.1%/dextran 20% will be applied to 3 minutes on the de-epithelialized cornea for 15 minutes. Then, the source of ultraviolet A (UVA) will be irradiating the cornea for 30 minutes with a wavelength of 370 nanometer(nm) length with 5.4 joules(J)/ square centimeter (cm2) and 3 milliwatts(mW)/cm2. Meanwhile, the instillation of a drop of 0.1% riboflavin/dextran 20% continues every 5 minutes. Goggles against UVA are mandatory. The crosslinked graft-support will be forwarded to the surgeon according to standard procedure.
Patient wil receive a normal graft-support for the KPro type I. Under sterile conditions, the corneo-scleral button will be inspected, then placed on an artificial anterior chamber. The epithelium of the donor will be removed mechanically. Then, one drop of riboflavin 0.1% / dextran 20% will be applied to 30 secondes for 5 minutes on the de-epithelialized cornea.The minimally manipulated normal graft-support will be forwarded to the surgeon according to standard procedure.