CRP on Radiobiological and Clinical Studies on Viral-Induced Cancer's Response to Radiotherapy
Cervix Cancer

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Cervix Cancer
Eligibility Criteria
INCLUSION CRITERIA: Histologically confirmed cervix cancer. FIGO stage IIB and IIIB Age over 18 years Karnofsky status >/= 50 No significant medical contraindications to the administration of full dose chemotherapy. Adequate bone marrow function -- Haemoglobin ³ 10 g/dl without or with transfusion, white blood count ³ 4000/mL, platelet count ³ 140,000/mL. Adequate renal function: creatinine < 1.2 mg/dL or 120 μmol/l (urinary diversion is permitted). Electrolytes and calcium within normal limits for institution. Liver function tests if clinically indicated. Tests have to be obtained within 30 days before registration. Expected good compliance for follow-up. Written informed consent for participation in this study. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Recent malignancy, other than the index cervical carcinoma or non-melanoma cutaneous cancers, diagnosed within 5 years of entry Life expectancy <6 months, for any reason other than the index cervical carcinoma Any severe medical ailment, continuing pregnancy, or breast feeding, as conditions that interfere in present treatment Previous chemotherapy in past 1 year Severe psychiatric disorder, making compliance and follow-up difficult. Paraaortic nodes (PAN >1 cm), suspicious or positive for metastatic involvement on radiological imaging. (Note: patients with positive pelvic lymph nodes are still eligible for the study, but they cannot have suspicious or positive PAN.) Bilateral hydronephrosis Prior radiation to the pelvis
Sites / Locations
- University of Vienna; Department of Radiotherapy and Radiobiology
- rmandade de Santa Casa de Misericordia de Porto Alegre; Hospital Santa Rita
- Peel Regional Cancer Centre
- Department of Atomic Energy (DAE); Tata Memorial Centre (TMC); Tata
- National Cancer Center
- Radiotherapy and Oncology University Clinic
- Institut National d'Oncologie
- Bahawalpur Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology (BINO)
- Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas
- Department of Radiation Oncology, Groote Schuur Hospital
- Christie Hospital; NHS Trust
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Active Comparator
EBR plus 2 HDBT fractions
EBR plus 4 fractions HDBT
EBR/2 HDBT fractions/Chemotherapy
EBR/4 fractions HDBT/chemotherapy
External Beam Radiotherapy High Dose Brachytherapy (2 fractions of 9Gy)
External Beam Radiotherapy High Dose Brachytherapy (4 fractions of 7Gy)
External Beam Radiation High Dose Brachytherapy (2 fractions of 9Gy) Cisplatin
External Beam Radiation High Dose Brachytherapy (4 fractions of 7Gy) Cisplatin