Direct Cortical Measurement of the Intensity and Pattern of Current Flow Produced by TDCS

About this trial
This is an interventional basic science trial for Epilepsy
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Subjects for this study will be recruited from patients undergoing routine intracranial electrode placement as part of the evaluation for surgical treatment of medically refractory epilepsy. Inclusion criteria include:
- Age ≥ 18 years
- Placement of intracranial electrode arrays (grid, strip and or depth electrodes) for seizure focus localization and/or mapping of eloquent cortex
- Able to provide written informed consent
- English-speaking patients only
Exclusion Criteria:
- Cognitive impairment (Intelligence Quotient <70)
- Facial or forehead skin breakdown that would interfere with surface electrode placement
- Contraindication to MRI
- Known adhesive allergy
- Space occupying intracranial pathology including brain tumor, ateriovenous malformation, cavernous malformation, prior surgical resection or significant encephalomalcia that would create unknown tissue inhomogeneity that cannot be accurately modeled.
- Subjects who have had an electrographic or clinical seizure within one hour prior to the stimulation procedure
Sites / Locations
- Neurology
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Direct Cortical Measurement
Consented subjects will also have transcranial electrodes applied at four extracranial sites, below the sterile dressing and distant from the surgical skull defect. The four electrodes will be placed in uniform positions based on the standard 10-10 electrode system, at the temples bilaterally (positions F9 and F10) and at the occiput bilaterally (positions PO9 and PO10). Subjects will be stimulated according to a predetermined set of parameters which fall well within empirically and computationally determined safety thresholds, as discussed above. The entire stimulation protocol is described in detail in section 5, and is anticipated to last no longer than 30 minutes.