Discontinuation vs Continuation of Long-term Opioid Therapy in Suboptimal and Optimal Responders With Chronic Pain
Opioid-Related Disorders, Opiate Addiction, Narcotic Abuse

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Opioid-Related Disorders
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Be male or non-pregnant, non-lactating female aged 18 to 75 years, inclusive.
Have a clinical diagnosis of non-radicular CLBP (pain that occurs in an area with boundaries between the lowest rib and the crease of the buttocks) of Class 1 or proximal radicular (above the knee) pain of Class 2 based on the Quebec Task Force Classification for Spinal Disorders (subjects with previous surgery or chronic pain syndrome, i.e., classes 9.2 or 10, will be allowed if their pain does not radiate or radiates only proximally) for a minimum of 12 months and
- For the Suboptimal Responder group, pain must have been present for at least several hours a day and have an Average PI score of 6-9 on an 11-point NRS within the past 24 hours of screening.
- For the Optimal Responder group, subjects must have an Average PI score of 1-4 on an 11-point NRS within the past 24 hours of screening.
- Have been taking ER/LA opioids or immediate release opioids (at least 4 times at day) for at least 12 months.
Have been taking one of the 3 index ER opioid drugs around-the-clock at a twice-a-day frequency for at least 3 consecutive months at a total daily dose within the range shown below.
Daily Dose Range
- Morphine sulfate extended-release: 120-540mg
- Oxycodone extended-release: 80-360mg
- Oxymorphone extended-release: 40-180mg
- Be considered, in the opinion of the Investigator, to be in generally good health other than CLBP at screening based upon the results of a medical history, physical examination, 12-lead ECG, and laboratory profile.
- Speak, read, write, and understand English (to reduce heterogeneity of data), understand the consent form, and be able to effectively communicate with the study staff.
- Have access to the Internet (to access the patient support program).
- Voluntarily provide written informed consent.
- Be willing and able to complete study procedures.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Have any clinically significant condition that would, in the opinion of the Investigator, preclude study participation or interfere with the assessment of pain and other symptoms of CLBP or increase the risk of opioid-related AEs.
- Have a primary diagnosis of fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome, neurogenic claudication due to spinal stenosis, spinal cord compression, acute nerve root compression, severe or progressive lower extremity weakness or numbness, bowel or bladder dysfunction as a result of cauda equina compression, diabetic amyotrophy, meningitis, diskitis, back pain because of secondary infection or tumor, or pain caused by a confirmed or suspected neoplasm.
- Have undergone a surgical procedure for back pain within 6 months prior to the Screening Visit.
- Have had a nerve or plexus block, including epidural steroid injections or facet blocks, within 1 month prior to the Screening Visit or botulinum toxin injection in the lower back region within 3 months prior to screening.
- Have a history of confirmed malignancy within past 2 years, with exception of basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma of the skin that has been successfully treated.
- Have uncontrolled blood pressure, i.e., subject has a sitting systolic blood pressure >180 mm Hg or <90 mm Hg, or a sitting diastolic blood pressure >110 mmHg or <40 mm Hg at screening.
- Have a body mass index (BMI) >45 kg/m2. Anyone with a BMI >40 but <45 will complete a screening tool (STOPBang Questionnaire) to rule out high risk of obstructive sleep apnea.
- Have clinically significant depression based on a score of ≥20 on the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8)
- Have suicidal ideation associated with actual intent and a method or plan in the past year: "Yes" answers on items 4 or 5 of the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS).
- Have a previous history of suicidal behaviors in the past 5 years: "Yes" answer (for events that occurred in the past 5 years) to any of the suicidal behavior items of the C-SSRS.
- Have any lifetime history of serious or recurrent suicidal behavior. (Non-suicidal self-injurious behavior is not a trigger for a risk assessment unless in the Investigator's judgment it is indicated.)
- Have clinically significant abnormality in clinical chemistry, hematology or urinalysis, including serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase/aspartate aminotransferase or serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase/alanine aminotransferase ≥3 times the upper limit of the reference range or a serum creatinine >2 mg/dL at screening.
- Have severe enough psychiatric or substance abuse disorder to compromise the subject's safety or scientific integrity of the study.
- Have on-going litigation associated with back pain or pending applications for workers compensation or disability issues or subjects who plan on filing litigation or claims within the next 12 months; subjects with settled past litigations will be allowed as will subjects who have been on workers compensation or disability claims for at least 3 months.
- Have used a monoamine oxidase inhibitor within 14 days prior to the start of study medication.
- Are taking agonist-antagonists (pentazocine, butorphanol or nalbuphine), buprenorphine, methadone, barbiturates, or more than one type of benzodiazepine within 1 month prior to screening.
- Have a positive urine drug test (UDT) for illicit drugs (including marijuana), non-prescribed controlled substances (opioid or non-opioid), or alcohol at screening.
- Have taken any investigational drug within 30 days prior to the Screening Visit or are currently enrolled in another investigational drug study.
Sites / Locations
- G & L Research
- Horizon Research Partners
- Healthscan Clinical Trials
- Center for Pain and Supportive Care
- The Pain Center of Arizona
- Quality of Life Medical and Research Centers
- Coastal Pain and Spinal Diagnostics
- Aviva Research
- Global Clinical Trials
- The Helm Center for Pain Management
- Alexander Ford, MD
- Samaritan Center for Medical Research
- Catalina Research Institute
- North Country Clinical Research
- Westview Clinical Research
- Foothills Pain Management Clinic
- Northern California Research
- Breakthrough Clinical Trials
- Optimus Medical Group
- Mountain View Clinical Research
- Care Research Center
- Direct Helpers Research Center
- Eastern Research
- Empire Clinical Research
- Finlay Medical Research
- Future Clinical Research
- South Florida Clinical Research
- Martin E Hale, MD
- Florida Medical Pain Management
- Clinical Research of West Florida
- Palm Beach Research Center
- Georgia Institute for Clinical Research
- Sestron Clinical Research
- Healthcare Research Network II
- Indiana Pain and Spine Clinic
- Mid-American Psysiatrists
- WK River Cities Clinical Research Center
- MedVadis Research Corporation
- Oakland Medical Research
- Healthcare Research Network
- St Louis Clinical Trials
- Red Rock Clinical Research
- OnSite Clinical Solutions
- Clinical Trials of America
- The Center for Clinical Research
- Prestige Clinical Research
- North Star Medical Research
- Cutting Edge Research Group
- Medical Research International
- SP Research
- Brandywine Clinical Research
- Founders Research Corporation
- Carolina Center for Advanced Management of Pain
- Healthy Concepts
- Comprehensive Pain Specialists
- New Phase Research and Development
- Biopharma Informatic Research Center
- Coastal Medical Group
- Highland Clinical Research
- Interventional Pain and Spine Specialists
- Healing Hands of Virginia
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Structured discontinuation opioid therapy Suboptimal Responder
Structured discontinuation opioid therapy Optimal responders
Continuation of opioid therapy Suboptimal responders
Structured Continuation of opioid therapy Optimal responders