EF Intervention in Children With Severe Congenital Heart Disease (E-FIT)
Primary Purpose
Heart Defects, Congenital, Executive Dysfunction
Not Applicable
Study Type
Sponsored by

About this trial
This is an interventional other trial for Heart Defects, Congenital
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Born with CHD
- Underwent cardiopulmonary bypass surgery
- No genetic syndrome detected, no known dysmorphic-syndrome
- Aged 10 to 12
- written informed consent of parents and verbal informed consent of children
- EF deficits showing in screening
Exclusion Criteria:
- Failure to provide a signed Informed Consent
- Heart surgery without cardiopulmonary bypass
- Heart surgery not performed in Switzerland
- Any genetic syndrome detected
- large cerebral lesions (stroke, HIE) or severely neurologically impaired as a result of a serious event
Sites / Locations
- Children's Hospital ZurichRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm Type
No Intervention
Arm Label
Arm Description
The intervention group will have a play-based intervention, including online games, analogue card games as well as a weekly coaching session to enhance executive functions.
The control group does not receive any intervention.
Primary Outcome Measures
Fun and cognitive demand
Subjective Feasibility, Fun and cognitive demand:
the two questions "How fun was the training?" and "How much did you use your brain" are answered on a 5-point Likert scale (1 referring to not at all and 5 referring to very much). Both questions are treated as ordinal scaled and median and interquartile range will be reported.
Hulley's Feeling Scale
Subjective Feasibility, Affect 11-point single item bipolar scale (-5 referring to "very bad" and 5 referring to "very good"). The Hulley feeling scale is treated as ordinal scaled and median and interquartile range will be reported.
Acceptance and Feasibility scale
4-point Likert scale (1 referring to "don't agree at all" and 4 referring to "fully agree"). Treated as ordinal scaled and median and interquartile range, as well as percentages of persons who answered the items with 3 or 4, will be reported.
Completion rate (Objective Feasibility):
Frequency (amount of participants who completed the training)/(total amount of participants enrolled)
Secondary Outcome Measures
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF)
The BRIEF assesses Executive Functions Behavior in everyday life. The results will be be transformed into a categorical variable with results > 1 SD defined as abnormal (T-scale >= 60).
Color word Interference Task (D-KEFS)
The D-KEFS Color-Word Interference Test is based on the classic Stroop task, which is primarily used to assess the ability to inhibit verbal responses (inhibition).
Go/NoGo Test battery for attention testing (TAP)
In this test, 2 implementation forms with different stimulus material are offered. In the 1st condition, reaction times and errors are measured in a simple "Go/Nogo" condition with two stimuli (+ and x: 2 stimuli, one critical), in the 2nd more complex condition with 5 squares with different filling patterns, 2 of which are defined as critical (5 stimuli, 2 critical).
Trail-Making-Test (D-KEFS)
The D-KEFS Trail Making Test is a revision and extension of the classic alternating number and letter matching task, which is known as a proven instrument for assessing cognitive flexibility. With the help of four additional conditions, the basic abilities of visual scanning, connecting numbers and letters, and motor speed can be assessed. This results in a differentiated overall picture of the interaction of different basic and higher cognitive abilities.
Number-Letter-sequencing (WISC-V)
In number repeating, the subject is read a sequence of numbers and asked to repeat them in the same order (number repeating - forwards), in reverse order (number repeating - backwards) or in ascending order (number repeating - sequential).
Tower Task from the (D-KEFS)
The D-KEFS Tower Test is a revision of classic tower tasks in which discs are to be restacked with the help of three rods in such a way that given tower templates are replicated, while observing certain rules. Nine standardised tasks covering a difficulty spectrum from very easy to very difficult are designed to avoid floor and ceiling effects. The test measures, among other things, spatial planning ability, rule learning, inhibition of impulsive or perseverative response behaviour, as well as the development and maintenance of mental attitudes.
Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART)
In the experiment, participants are presented with a balloon. The participant is prompted to inflate the balloon using the Right Arrow key. After successfully inflating the balloon by 1 unit, the participant receives five points. The more the participant inflates the balloon, the more points they receive. E-Prime randomly selects a number between 1 and 100 for each trial representing the total number of inflated units before the balloon bursts. If the participant inflates the balloon too much, it pops and no points are given. Participants also have the choice to press the Left Arrow to advance the trial while keeping their points. There is one practice trial and 5 critical trials.
Full Information
First Posted
December 7, 2021
Last Updated
November 7, 2022
University Children's Hospital, Zurich
1. Study Identification
Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
EF Intervention in Children With Severe Congenital Heart Disease
Official Title
Executive Function and Brain Development in Adolescents With Severe Congenital Heart Disease (Teen Heart Study)
Study Type
2. Study Status
Record Verification Date
November 2022
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
July 1, 2022 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
August 31, 2023 (Anticipated)
Study Completion Date
December 31, 2023 (Anticipated)
3. Sponsor/Collaborators
Responsible Party, by Official Title
Name of the Sponsor
University Children's Hospital, Zurich
4. Oversight
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Data Monitoring Committee
5. Study Description
Brief Summary
Survival rates of children with severe congenital heart disease (CHD) have increased with ongoing medical progress over the past decades. However, many children with CHD face academic challenges during adolescence, which are associated with executive dysfunction. Executive functions (EF), higher-order cognitive processes allowing goal-directed behavior, can be particularly affected in children with CHD. To improve EF in affected children, a specific EF intervention has been developed.
The intervention lasts a total of 8 weeks and is structured in 3 modules. The first module consists of a weekly strategy training in which problems resulting from executive dysfunction are addressed. Online games form the second module. These are games implemented online to promote EF through play. The third module is also based on games: The families receive several board games to play together at home. This third module is voluntary. This intervention is tested on its feasibility. As the intervention was built in a patient centered manner, we expect it to be feasible, showing in a high adherence rate and satisfaction.
6. Conditions and Keywords
Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Heart Defects, Congenital, Executive Dysfunction
7. Study Design
Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Not Applicable
Interventional Study Model
Parallel Assignment
Outcomes Assessor
40 (Anticipated)
8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions
Arm Title
Arm Type
Arm Description
The intervention group will have a play-based intervention, including online games, analogue card games as well as a weekly coaching session to enhance executive functions.
Arm Title
Arm Type
No Intervention
Arm Description
The control group does not receive any intervention.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
The intervention lasts a total of 8 weeks and is structured in 3 modules. The first module consists of a weekly strategy training in which problems resulting from executive dysfunction are addressed. Online games form the second module. These are games implemented online to promote EF through play. The third module is also based on games: The families receive several board games to play together at home. This third module is voluntary.
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Fun and cognitive demand
Subjective Feasibility, Fun and cognitive demand:
the two questions "How fun was the training?" and "How much did you use your brain" are answered on a 5-point Likert scale (1 referring to not at all and 5 referring to very much). Both questions are treated as ordinal scaled and median and interquartile range will be reported.
Time Frame
5 minutes
Hulley's Feeling Scale
Subjective Feasibility, Affect 11-point single item bipolar scale (-5 referring to "very bad" and 5 referring to "very good"). The Hulley feeling scale is treated as ordinal scaled and median and interquartile range will be reported.
Time Frame
5 minutes
Acceptance and Feasibility scale
4-point Likert scale (1 referring to "don't agree at all" and 4 referring to "fully agree"). Treated as ordinal scaled and median and interquartile range, as well as percentages of persons who answered the items with 3 or 4, will be reported.
Time Frame
5 minutes
Completion rate (Objective Feasibility):
Frequency (amount of participants who completed the training)/(total amount of participants enrolled)
Time Frame
5 minutes
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF)
The BRIEF assesses Executive Functions Behavior in everyday life. The results will be be transformed into a categorical variable with results > 1 SD defined as abnormal (T-scale >= 60).
Time Frame
15 minutes
Color word Interference Task (D-KEFS)
The D-KEFS Color-Word Interference Test is based on the classic Stroop task, which is primarily used to assess the ability to inhibit verbal responses (inhibition).
Time Frame
5 minutes
Go/NoGo Test battery for attention testing (TAP)
In this test, 2 implementation forms with different stimulus material are offered. In the 1st condition, reaction times and errors are measured in a simple "Go/Nogo" condition with two stimuli (+ and x: 2 stimuli, one critical), in the 2nd more complex condition with 5 squares with different filling patterns, 2 of which are defined as critical (5 stimuli, 2 critical).
Time Frame
5 minutes
Trail-Making-Test (D-KEFS)
The D-KEFS Trail Making Test is a revision and extension of the classic alternating number and letter matching task, which is known as a proven instrument for assessing cognitive flexibility. With the help of four additional conditions, the basic abilities of visual scanning, connecting numbers and letters, and motor speed can be assessed. This results in a differentiated overall picture of the interaction of different basic and higher cognitive abilities.
Time Frame
5 minutes
Number-Letter-sequencing (WISC-V)
In number repeating, the subject is read a sequence of numbers and asked to repeat them in the same order (number repeating - forwards), in reverse order (number repeating - backwards) or in ascending order (number repeating - sequential).
Time Frame
10 minutes
Tower Task from the (D-KEFS)
The D-KEFS Tower Test is a revision of classic tower tasks in which discs are to be restacked with the help of three rods in such a way that given tower templates are replicated, while observing certain rules. Nine standardised tasks covering a difficulty spectrum from very easy to very difficult are designed to avoid floor and ceiling effects. The test measures, among other things, spatial planning ability, rule learning, inhibition of impulsive or perseverative response behaviour, as well as the development and maintenance of mental attitudes.
Time Frame
15 minutes
Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART)
In the experiment, participants are presented with a balloon. The participant is prompted to inflate the balloon using the Right Arrow key. After successfully inflating the balloon by 1 unit, the participant receives five points. The more the participant inflates the balloon, the more points they receive. E-Prime randomly selects a number between 1 and 100 for each trial representing the total number of inflated units before the balloon bursts. If the participant inflates the balloon too much, it pops and no points are given. Participants also have the choice to press the Left Arrow to advance the trial while keeping their points. There is one practice trial and 5 critical trials.
Time Frame
10 minutes
10. Eligibility
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
10 Years
Maximum Age & Unit of Time
12 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Born with CHD
Underwent cardiopulmonary bypass surgery
No genetic syndrome detected, no known dysmorphic-syndrome
Aged 10 to 12
written informed consent of parents and verbal informed consent of children
EF deficits showing in screening
Exclusion Criteria:
Failure to provide a signed Informed Consent
Heart surgery without cardiopulmonary bypass
Heart surgery not performed in Switzerland
Any genetic syndrome detected
large cerebral lesions (stroke, HIE) or severely neurologically impaired as a result of a serious event
Central Contact Person:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Bea Latal, MD
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Bea Latal
Facility Information:
Facility Name
Children's Hospital Zurich
ZIP/Postal Code
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Bea Latal
12. IPD Sharing Statement
Learn more about this trial
EF Intervention in Children With Severe Congenital Heart Disease
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