Change from baseline (T0) Face-name association (Côte-des-Neiges Computerized Memory Battery) at 14 weeks (post-intervention - T1)
Episodic memory measure where participants have to associate 12 previously learned face-name pairs.
Change from post-intervention (T1) Face-name association (Côte-des-Neiges Computerized Memory Battery) at 6 months post-intervention (follow-up - T2)
Episodic memory measure where participants have to associate 12 previously learned face-name pairs.
Change from baseline (T0) Word list recall (Côte-des-Neiges Computerized Memory Battery) at 14 weeks (post-intervention - T1)
Episodic memory measure where participants have to associate 12 previously learned words. Measures of immediate and delayed recall were obtained.
Change from post-intervention (T1) Word list recall (Côte-des-Neiges Computerized Memory Battery) at 6-months post-intervention (follow-up - T2)
Episodic memory measure where participants have to associate 12 previously learned words. Measures of immediate and delayed recall were obtained.
Change from baseline (T0) Text memory (Côte-des-Neiges Computerized Memory Battery) at 14 weeks (post-intervention - T1)
Episodic memory measure where participants have to recall a short text, which is divided into 23 macrostructure elements (main ideas of the text giving a meaning to the story), and 24 microstructure elements (specific details about the story). Measures of immediate and delayed recall were obtained for macrostructure and microstructure elements.
Change from post-intervention (T1) Text memory (Côte-des-Neiges Computerized Memory Battery) at 6-months post-intervention (follow-up - T2)
Episodic memory measure where participants have to recall a short text, which is divided into 23 macrostructure elements (main ideas of the text giving a meaning to the story), and 24 microstructure elements (specific details about the story). Measures of immediate and delayed recall were obtained for macrostructure and microstructure elements.
Change from baseline (T0) Self-Evaluation Memory Questionnaire (SEMQ) at 14 weeks (post-intervention - T1)
Self-report memory measure where participants rate (1 to 6; never to always) their memory performance for 10 dimensions for which are derived mean scores: Conversations, Books & movies, Slips of attention, People, Use of objects, Political & social events, Places, Actions to perform, Personal events, General. Higher scores indicate worse outcome.
Change from post-intervention (T1) Self-Evaluation Memory Questionnaire (SEMQ) at 6-months post-intervention (follow-up - T2)
Self-report memory measure where participants rate (1 to 6; never to always) their memory performance for 10 dimensions for which are derived mean scores: Conversations, Books & movies, Slips of attention, People, Use of objects, Political & social events, Places, Actions to perform, Personal events, General. Higher scores indicate worse outcome.
Change from baseline (T0) Six Elements Task-Adapted (SET-A) at 14 weeks (post-intervention - T1)
Executive function measure where participants complete a task where the goal is to earn as many points as possible while following specific rules. Five dimensions are rated according to the degree of attainment (0-3) : Tackling the 6 subtasks, Inter-task balance, Avoiding rule-breaking, Checking time at appropriate moments, and Efficient behavior. The Total score (/15) is also computed.
Change from post-intervention (T1) Six Elements Task-Adapted (SET-A) at 6-months post-intervention (follow-up - T2)
Executive function measure where participants complete a task where the goal is to earn as many points as possible while following specific rules. Five dimensions are rated according to the degree of attainment (0-3) : Tackling the 6 subtasks, Inter-task balance, Avoiding rule-breaking, Checking time at appropriate moments, and Efficient behavior. The Total score (/15) is also computed.
Change from baseline (T0) Sorting Test - Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS) at 14 weeks (post-intervention - T1)
Executive function measure where participant must sort cards with printed words into groups in as many ways as possible and describe their sorting criteria. Measures used are: Confirmed Correct Sort Total (CCS) raw score, Free Sorting Description (FSD) total raw score, and Time-Per-Sort Ratio (TSR) in seconds.
Change from post-intervention (T1) Sorting Test - Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS) at 6-months post-intervention (follow-up - T2)
Executive function measure where participant must sort cards with printed words into groups in as many ways as possible and describe their sorting criteria. Measures used are: Confirmed Correct Sort Total (CCS) raw score, Free Sorting Description (FSD) total raw score, and Time-Per-Sort Ratio (TSR) in seconds.
Change from baseline (T0) Stroop Test - Four-color version at 14 weeks (post-intervention - T1)
Executive function measure where participant complete four tasks (reading, colors, inhibition and flexibility). The measures used (time, in seconds) are Inhibition of the Stroop effect by verbally indicating the color of the ink instead of reading the words, and Flexibility, where participants indicate the color of the ink and read the words when they appear in a box.
Change from post-intervention (T1) Stroop Test - Four-color version at 6-months post-intervention (follow-up - T2)
Executive function measure where participant complete four tasks (reading, colors, inhibition and flexibility). The measures used (time, in seconds) are Inhibition of the Stroop effect by verbally indicating the color of the ink instead of reading the words, and Flexibility, where participants indicate the color of the ink and read the words when they appear in a box.
Change from baseline (T0) Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX) at 14 weeks (post-intervention - T1)
Self-report executive function measure where participants rate (0 to 5; never to always) their executive functioning on three scales: Executive cognition, Behavioural-Emotional Self-Regulation, and Metacognition. Self-awareness of executive difficulties was used as a measure of generalization by calculating the difference between participants' and a significant other's scores on the three subscales. Higher scores indicate worse outcome.
Change from post-intervention (T1) Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX) at 6-months post-intervention (follow-up - T2)
Self-report executive function measure where participants rate (0 to 5; never to always) their executive functioning on three scales: Executive cognition, Behavioural-Emotional Self-Regulation, and Metacognition. Self-awareness of executive difficulties was used as a measure of generalization by calculating the difference between participants' and a significant other's scores on the three subscales. Higher scores indicate worse outcome.
Change from baseline (T0) Psychological General Well-Being Index (PGWBI) at 14 weeks (post-intervention - T1)
Self-report measure where participants rate (0-6; low to high) their self-perceived well-being on 22 items. Higher scores indicate better outcome.
Change from post-intervention (T1) Psychological General Well-Being Index (PGWBI) at 6-months post-intervention (follow-up - T2)
Self-report measure where participants rate (0-6; low to high) their self-perceived well-being on 22 items. Higher scores indicate better outcome.