Efficacy and Safety of Corifollitropin Alfa (MK-8962) in Combination With Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in Adolescent Males With Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism (HH) (MK-8962-043)
Primary Purpose
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Phase 3
Study Type
Corifollitropin alfa
Sponsored by

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Have legal representative who understands the study procedures, alternative treatments available and risks involved with the study, and voluntarily agrees to the individual's participation by giving written informed consent, and the individual has an age-appropriate understanding of the same to give informed written assent if applicable.
- Diagnosed with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (either isolated or associated with panhypopituitarism), either congenital or acquired with onset prior to puberty.
- Have bilateral pre-gonadarche testes as defined by testicular volume <4.0 mL for each testicle, as determined by ultrasound and assessed by the investigator (if qualified) or local radiologist with appropriate training and expertise in reading testicular ultrasound. Note: participants with a volume of <4.0 mL in one testicle and a volume of 4-8 mL in the other testicle are considered to be pre-gonadarche and may participate, if there is no history or evidence of a primary testicular disorder (see Exclusion Criteria 1 and 2).
- Have circulating levels of total testosterone (Total T) less than the lower limit of normal (LLN) of 8.3 nmol/L as specified by the central lab for a young healthy adult male.
- Have follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) ≤2 IU/L and luteinizing hormone (LH) ≤2 IU/L.
- Have inhibin-B levels ≤35 pg/mL. (Note: if individual has inhibin-B levels >35 pg/mL, but meets all of the other inclusion/exclusion criteria, either a GnRH agonist (GnRHa) stimulation test or GnRH IV infusion test may be performed.
- In good general physical and mental health, in the opinion of the investigator/sponsor, as assessed by physical examination and routine clinical laboratory tests.
- Have a parent/guardian able and willing to support the individual's participation by supporting adherence to study drug dosing and visit schedules.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Have a history of bilateral cryptorchidism (maldescended testes) or unilateral cryptorchidism treated after the age of 2 years.
- Have a history or presence of clinically significant testicular problems (e.g., epididymitis, orchitis, testicular torsion, varicocele Grade III, testicular atrophy, occlusive azoospermia, etc.) that would impair participants response to treatment or has had known damage or injury to the vas deferens.
- Had any previous treatment with GnRH, gonadotropins (e.g., hCG, FSH) or androgens (e.g., testosterone, etc.). Note: Use of GnRH and gonadotropins for diagnostic testing purposes only is allowed. Participants with use of hCG and androgen therapy prior to the age of 2 years old can be included in the trial. Participants with transient use of androgens (i.e., for less than 2 weeks) that was stopped at least 6 months prior to signing informed consent can also be included in the trial.
- Has an untreated or inadequately treated pituitary or hypothalamic tumor.
- Have uncontrolled endocrinopathies, including thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary disorders not on stable replacement therapies.
- Has a history of active pituitary hypersecretion as evidenced by hyperprolactinemia or Cushing's disease, acromegaly, or any other active pituitary hypersecretion syndrome. (Note: Individuals who have been treated and are clinically stable, with no evidence of hypersecretion for at least 12 months prior to screening, may participate.
- Has had hypophysectomy within 12 months to the start of screening.
- Has history of oncologic chemotherapy treatment.
- Has had brain radiotherapy within 12 months of start of treatment for a primary tumor, or any history of brain radiotherapy for metastatic disease.
- Has diabetes mellitus.
- Has history of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
- Has renal insufficiency, as determined by investigator, based on serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and estimated glomerular filtration rate.
- Has clinically significant liver disease, including active viral hepatitis or cirrhosis. Individuals with a prior history of liver disease which is now inactive or successfully treated may be enrolled if all liver function values performed within the past year have been normal and within the normal range at Visit 1.
- Has had a recent history of recreational or illicit drug use, including marijuana; or routinely consumes >2 alcoholic drinks per day or >14 alcoholic drinks per week, or engages in binge drinking.
- Has an allergy/sensitivity to gonadotropins or its/their excipients.
- Has used an investigational drug and/or participated in any other clinical trial within the past 8 weeks (prior to Visit 2), or will participate in any other clinical trials (excluding surveys) during the course of this trial.
Sites / Locations
- Centro de Diabetes Curitiba ( Site 0012)
- Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre ( Site 0014)
- Hosp das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Univ de Sao Paulo ( Site 0015)
- Rigshospitalet, University department of Growth and Reproduction ( Site 0051)
- AOU Careggi ( Site 0042)
- Policlinico Umberto I ( Site 0043)
- IRCCS Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesu ( Site 0044)
- Instituto Nacional de Pediatria ( Site 0007)
- Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez ( Site 0006)
- Kazan State Medical University ( Site 0024)
- Federal State Budget Institution Endocrinological Research Center ( Site 0021)
- City children polyclinic #44 ( Site 0025)
- St.Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University ( Site 0023)
- Republic Children Clinical Hospital ( Site 0022)
- Little Company of Mary Hospital ( Site 0017)
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm Type
Arm Label
Corifollitropin alfa (CFA)+human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
Arm Description
Participants received 100 μg (if body weight was ≤60 kg) or 150 μg (if body weight was >60 kg) of CFA as a subcutaneous (SC) injection once every 2 weeks for 64 Weeks (Day 1, Week 0 through Week 64) and 500-5000 IU of hCG reconstituted with 1 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution, as a SC injection twice a week for 52 weeks (last day of Week 12 through Week 64). The total treatment duration was 64 Weeks.
Primary Outcome Measures
Change From Baseline in Log-Transformed Testicular Volume (TV) to Week 64
Participants underwent testicular ultrasound of left and right testes at pre-specified time points to measure TV. TV was measured as the sum of volumes of left and right testes. The linear mixed model with a fixed effect for baseline and Week 64 and a random effect for participant was used to calculate the mean change in log-transformed TV and associated 95% confidence intervals (CIs) from baseline to Week 64. The geometric mean ratio and its 95% CIs for TV were obtained by exponentiation. The ratio > 1 indicated an increase in TV from baseline.
Number of Participants Who Experienced an Adverse Event (AE)
An adverse event was defined as any untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical investigation subject administered a pharmaceutical product and which does not necessarily have to have a causal relationship with this treatment. The number of participants who experienced an AE was reported.
Number of Participants Who Discontinued Study Treatment Due to an AE
An adverse event was defined as any untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical investigation subject administered a pharmaceutical product and which does not necessarily have to have a causal relationship with this treatment. The number of participants who discontinued study treatment due to an AE was reported.
Percentage of Participants With Anti-Corifollitropin Alfa (CFA) Antibodies
Blood samples were collected at pre-specified time points to assess anti-CFA antibodies. The percentage of participants with anti-CFA antibodies after administration of CFA were reported.
Secondary Outcome Measures
Change From Baseline in Serum Inhibin B Concentration to Week 64
Serum Inhibin B concentration is a surrogate marker for spermatogenesis in males. Blood samples were collected at baseline and Week 64 post dose to report the mean change from baseline in serum inhibin concentration to Week 64. A mean change from baseline in serum inhibin B concentration to Week 64 was reported. A positive value indicated a higher serum inhibin concentration level.
Growth Velocity at Week 36
Growth velocity is the rate of change in height measurement and is a marker for pubertal progress. Height was measured using a wall-mounted calibrated stadiometer. A mixed model was used to assess the overall growth velocity slope over the 36-week treatment period using the slopes estimated from an overall mixed random intercept and random slope model of height (cm) and time (yr) and age as covariates.
Growth Velocity at Week 64
Growth velocity is the rate of change in height measurement and is a marker for pubertal progress. Height was measured using a wall-mounted calibrated stadiometer. A mixed model was used to assess the overall growth velocity slope over the 64-week treatment period using the slopes estimated from an overall mixed random intercept and random slope model of height (cm) and time (year) and age as covariates.
Change From Baseline in Tanner Stage (TS) of Pubertal Development for Pubic Hair to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Male participants were assessed clinically for pubertal development using the TS for pubic hair (range: Tanner I-V). TS describes sexual maturity stages (no better or worse outcome) as: Tanner I: prepubertal state, Tanner II: small amount of long, downy hair with slight pigmentation at the base of the penis and scrotum, Tanner III: hair becomes more coarse and curly, and begins to extend laterally, Tanner IV: adult-like hair quality, extending across pubis but sparing medial thighs and Tanner V: hair extends to medial surface of the thigh. The number of participants in each Tanner stage at baseline and categorical change from baseline in Tanner stages to Weeks 12, 36 and 64 were reported.
Change From Baseline in TS of Pubertal Development for Genital Growth to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Male participants were assessed clinically for pubertal development using TS for genital growth (range: Tanner I-V). TS describes sexual maturity stages (no better or worse outcome) as: Tanner I: prepubertal (TV <1.5 ml; small penis), Tanner II: TV 1.6-6ml; skin on scrotum thins, reddens and enlarges; penis length unchanged, Tanner III: TV 6-12ml; scrotum enlarges further; penis begins to lengthen Tanner IV: TV 12-20ml; scrotum enlarges further and darkens; penis increases in length and circumference, and Tanner V: TV >20ml; adult scrotum and penis. The number of participants in each Tanner stage at baseline and categorical change from baseline in Tanner stages to Weeks 12, 36 and 64 were reported.
Mean Serum Concentration of CFA
Blood samples were collected at pre-specified time points (Day 1 (predose, 6-24 hours postdose after 1st dose), Day 3 (32-52 hours postdose after 1st dose), Day 5 (72-120 hours postdose after 1st dose), Day 8 (144-192 hours postdose after 1st dose), Day 11 (216-244 hours postdose after 1st dose), Day 29 (predose prior to 2nd dose; no hCG), Day 85 (predose, prior to 4th dose; no hCG), Day 169 (predose prior to 7th dose; with hCG co-administration), Day 253 (predose prior to 10th dose with hCG co-administration), Day 337 (predose prior to 13th dose; with hCG co-administration), Days 449 and 456 (postdose)) to report the mean serum concentration of CFA.
Change From Baseline in Testicular Echogenicity to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Testicular Echogenicity was determined by evaluating the sonographic patterns obtained on testicular ultrasound of right and left testes at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and 64. The sonographic patterns were assessed by central imaging unit by an independent radiologist and categorized as Hypoechoic (decreased echogenicity as compared to echogenicity at baseline), Isoechoic (same echogenicity as compared to echogenicity at baseline) and Hyperechoic (increased echogenicity as compared to echogenicity at baseline). The number of participants with a sonographic pattern at Weeks 12, 36 and 64 were reported.
Change From Baseline in Luteinizing Hormone (LH) to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
LH is a gonadotropin secreted from the anterior pituitary and is a marker for spontaneous puberty. Blood samples were collected at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and Week 64 to report the mean change from baseline in LH level to Weeks 12, 36 and 64.
Change From Baseline in Calculated Free Testosterone (T) to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Blood samples were collected at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and Week 64 to report the mean change from baseline in T level to Weeks 12, 36 and 64. The change from baseline in T level to Week 12, 36, and 64 could not be calculated as planned because only 2 participants had baseline T level values which were insufficient to provide the trend change from baseline in T level to Week 12, 36, and 64.
Change From Baseline in Total Testosterone (Total T) to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Total T is a marker for progress of puberty in males. Total T levels increase during puberty as the testes respond to the gonadotropins. Blood samples were collected at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and Week 64 post dose to report the mean change from baseline in Total T level to Weeks 12, 36 and 64. A negative value indicated a lower Total T level.
Change From Baseline in Estradiol (E2) to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
E2 levels rise during puberty in males when some of the T secreted is aromatized. Blood samples were collected at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and Week 64 to report the mean change from baseline in E2 level to Weeks 12, 36 and 64. A positive value indicated a higher E2 level.
Change From Baseline in Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
SHBG is a blood protein that controls the amount of T body tissues in males. SHBG is regulated by the ratio of T and E2 levels in addition to other factors (thyroid hormone status, dietary factors, certain diseases and medications). Blood samples were collected at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and Week 64 to report the mean change from baseline in SHBG level to Weeks 12, 36 and 64. A negative value indicated a lower SHBG level.
Change From Baseline in Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
AMH is a marker for progress of puberty in males. Blood samples were collected at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and Week 64 to report the mean change from baseline in AMH level to Weeks 12, 36 and 64. A negative value indicated a lower AMH level.
Full Information
1. Study Identification
Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
Efficacy and Safety of Corifollitropin Alfa (MK-8962) in Combination With Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in Adolescent Males With Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism (HH) (MK-8962-043)
Official Title
A Phase III, Multi-Center, Open Label, Single-Group Trial to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of MK-8962 (Corifollitropin Alfa) in Combination With Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) for Initiation or Restoration of Puberty as Assessed by Increased Testicular Volume in Adolescent Males 14 to <18 Years Old With Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism (MK-8962-043)
Study Type
2. Study Status
Record Verification Date
February 2022
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
February 2, 2017 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
May 5, 2020 (Actual)
Study Completion Date
May 5, 2020 (Actual)
3. Sponsor/Collaborators
Responsible Party, by Official Title
Name of the Sponsor
Organon and Co
4. Oversight
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Product Manufactured in and Exported from the U.S.
Data Monitoring Committee
5. Study Description
Brief Summary
The purpose of the study is to investigate whether corifollitropin alfa (MK-8962), administered alone for 12 weeks and then in combination with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for 52 weeks, increases the testicular volume in adolescent males aged 14 to <18. In addition, the study will evaluate participants for safety, tolerability and for the development of corifollitropin alfa antibodies. No formal hypothesis will be tested for this estimation study
6. Conditions and Keywords
Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
7. Study Design
Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Phase 3
Interventional Study Model
Single Group Assignment
None (Open Label)
17 (Actual)
8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions
Arm Title
Corifollitropin alfa (CFA)+human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
Arm Type
Arm Description
Participants received 100 μg (if body weight was ≤60 kg) or 150 μg (if body weight was >60 kg) of CFA as a subcutaneous (SC) injection once every 2 weeks for 64 Weeks (Day 1, Week 0 through Week 64) and 500-5000 IU of hCG reconstituted with 1 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution, as a SC injection twice a week for 52 weeks (last day of Week 12 through Week 64). The total treatment duration was 64 Weeks.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Corifollitropin alfa
Other Intervention Name(s)
MK-8962, Elonva
Intervention Description
CFA administered 100 μg (if body weight ≤60 kg) or 150 μg (if body weight >60 kg) by SC injection, once every 2 weeks for 64 weeks (Day 1, Week 0 through Week 64).
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
hCG 500-5000 IU reconstituted with 1 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution, as a SC injection twice a week for 52 weeks (last day of Week 12 through Week 64).
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Change From Baseline in Log-Transformed Testicular Volume (TV) to Week 64
Participants underwent testicular ultrasound of left and right testes at pre-specified time points to measure TV. TV was measured as the sum of volumes of left and right testes. The linear mixed model with a fixed effect for baseline and Week 64 and a random effect for participant was used to calculate the mean change in log-transformed TV and associated 95% confidence intervals (CIs) from baseline to Week 64. The geometric mean ratio and its 95% CIs for TV were obtained by exponentiation. The ratio > 1 indicated an increase in TV from baseline.
Time Frame
Baseline and Week 64
Number of Participants Who Experienced an Adverse Event (AE)
An adverse event was defined as any untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical investigation subject administered a pharmaceutical product and which does not necessarily have to have a causal relationship with this treatment. The number of participants who experienced an AE was reported.
Time Frame
Up to approximately 71 Weeks
Number of Participants Who Discontinued Study Treatment Due to an AE
An adverse event was defined as any untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical investigation subject administered a pharmaceutical product and which does not necessarily have to have a causal relationship with this treatment. The number of participants who discontinued study treatment due to an AE was reported.
Time Frame
Up to approximately 64 Weeks
Percentage of Participants With Anti-Corifollitropin Alfa (CFA) Antibodies
Blood samples were collected at pre-specified time points to assess anti-CFA antibodies. The percentage of participants with anti-CFA antibodies after administration of CFA were reported.
Time Frame
Up to approximately 71 Weeks
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
Change From Baseline in Serum Inhibin B Concentration to Week 64
Serum Inhibin B concentration is a surrogate marker for spermatogenesis in males. Blood samples were collected at baseline and Week 64 post dose to report the mean change from baseline in serum inhibin concentration to Week 64. A mean change from baseline in serum inhibin B concentration to Week 64 was reported. A positive value indicated a higher serum inhibin concentration level.
Time Frame
Baseline and Week 64
Growth Velocity at Week 36
Growth velocity is the rate of change in height measurement and is a marker for pubertal progress. Height was measured using a wall-mounted calibrated stadiometer. A mixed model was used to assess the overall growth velocity slope over the 36-week treatment period using the slopes estimated from an overall mixed random intercept and random slope model of height (cm) and time (yr) and age as covariates.
Time Frame
Week 36
Growth Velocity at Week 64
Growth velocity is the rate of change in height measurement and is a marker for pubertal progress. Height was measured using a wall-mounted calibrated stadiometer. A mixed model was used to assess the overall growth velocity slope over the 64-week treatment period using the slopes estimated from an overall mixed random intercept and random slope model of height (cm) and time (year) and age as covariates.
Time Frame
Week 64
Change From Baseline in Tanner Stage (TS) of Pubertal Development for Pubic Hair to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Male participants were assessed clinically for pubertal development using the TS for pubic hair (range: Tanner I-V). TS describes sexual maturity stages (no better or worse outcome) as: Tanner I: prepubertal state, Tanner II: small amount of long, downy hair with slight pigmentation at the base of the penis and scrotum, Tanner III: hair becomes more coarse and curly, and begins to extend laterally, Tanner IV: adult-like hair quality, extending across pubis but sparing medial thighs and Tanner V: hair extends to medial surface of the thigh. The number of participants in each Tanner stage at baseline and categorical change from baseline in Tanner stages to Weeks 12, 36 and 64 were reported.
Time Frame
Baseline, Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Change From Baseline in TS of Pubertal Development for Genital Growth to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Male participants were assessed clinically for pubertal development using TS for genital growth (range: Tanner I-V). TS describes sexual maturity stages (no better or worse outcome) as: Tanner I: prepubertal (TV <1.5 ml; small penis), Tanner II: TV 1.6-6ml; skin on scrotum thins, reddens and enlarges; penis length unchanged, Tanner III: TV 6-12ml; scrotum enlarges further; penis begins to lengthen Tanner IV: TV 12-20ml; scrotum enlarges further and darkens; penis increases in length and circumference, and Tanner V: TV >20ml; adult scrotum and penis. The number of participants in each Tanner stage at baseline and categorical change from baseline in Tanner stages to Weeks 12, 36 and 64 were reported.
Time Frame
Baseline, Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Mean Serum Concentration of CFA
Blood samples were collected at pre-specified time points (Day 1 (predose, 6-24 hours postdose after 1st dose), Day 3 (32-52 hours postdose after 1st dose), Day 5 (72-120 hours postdose after 1st dose), Day 8 (144-192 hours postdose after 1st dose), Day 11 (216-244 hours postdose after 1st dose), Day 29 (predose prior to 2nd dose; no hCG), Day 85 (predose, prior to 4th dose; no hCG), Day 169 (predose prior to 7th dose; with hCG co-administration), Day 253 (predose prior to 10th dose with hCG co-administration), Day 337 (predose prior to 13th dose; with hCG co-administration), Days 449 and 456 (postdose)) to report the mean serum concentration of CFA.
Time Frame
Day 1: predose, 6-24 hours postdose; Day 3: 32-52 hours postdose; Day 5: 72-120 hours postdose; Day 8: 144-192 hours postdose; Day 11: 216-244 hours postdose; Days 29, 85, 169, 253, 337: predose; Days 449, 456: postdose
Change From Baseline in Testicular Echogenicity to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Testicular Echogenicity was determined by evaluating the sonographic patterns obtained on testicular ultrasound of right and left testes at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and 64. The sonographic patterns were assessed by central imaging unit by an independent radiologist and categorized as Hypoechoic (decreased echogenicity as compared to echogenicity at baseline), Isoechoic (same echogenicity as compared to echogenicity at baseline) and Hyperechoic (increased echogenicity as compared to echogenicity at baseline). The number of participants with a sonographic pattern at Weeks 12, 36 and 64 were reported.
Time Frame
Baseline, Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Change From Baseline in Luteinizing Hormone (LH) to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
LH is a gonadotropin secreted from the anterior pituitary and is a marker for spontaneous puberty. Blood samples were collected at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and Week 64 to report the mean change from baseline in LH level to Weeks 12, 36 and 64.
Time Frame
Baseline, Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Change From Baseline in Calculated Free Testosterone (T) to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Blood samples were collected at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and Week 64 to report the mean change from baseline in T level to Weeks 12, 36 and 64. The change from baseline in T level to Week 12, 36, and 64 could not be calculated as planned because only 2 participants had baseline T level values which were insufficient to provide the trend change from baseline in T level to Week 12, 36, and 64.
Time Frame
Baseline, Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Change From Baseline in Total Testosterone (Total T) to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Total T is a marker for progress of puberty in males. Total T levels increase during puberty as the testes respond to the gonadotropins. Blood samples were collected at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and Week 64 post dose to report the mean change from baseline in Total T level to Weeks 12, 36 and 64. A negative value indicated a lower Total T level.
Time Frame
Baseline, Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Change From Baseline in Estradiol (E2) to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
E2 levels rise during puberty in males when some of the T secreted is aromatized. Blood samples were collected at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and Week 64 to report the mean change from baseline in E2 level to Weeks 12, 36 and 64. A positive value indicated a higher E2 level.
Time Frame
Baseline, Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Change From Baseline in Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
SHBG is a blood protein that controls the amount of T body tissues in males. SHBG is regulated by the ratio of T and E2 levels in addition to other factors (thyroid hormone status, dietary factors, certain diseases and medications). Blood samples were collected at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and Week 64 to report the mean change from baseline in SHBG level to Weeks 12, 36 and 64. A negative value indicated a lower SHBG level.
Time Frame
Baseline, Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
Change From Baseline in Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) to Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
AMH is a marker for progress of puberty in males. Blood samples were collected at baseline, Week 12, Week 36 and Week 64 to report the mean change from baseline in AMH level to Weeks 12, 36 and 64. A negative value indicated a lower AMH level.
Time Frame
Baseline, Week 12, Week 36, and Week 64
10. Eligibility
Gender Based
Gender Eligibility Description
All participants must be male.
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
14 Years
Maximum Age & Unit of Time
17 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Have legal representative who understands the study procedures, alternative treatments available and risks involved with the study, and voluntarily agrees to the individual's participation by giving written informed consent, and the individual has an age-appropriate understanding of the same to give informed written assent if applicable.
Diagnosed with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (either isolated or associated with panhypopituitarism), either congenital or acquired with onset prior to puberty.
Have bilateral pre-gonadarche testes as defined by testicular volume <4.0 mL for each testicle, as determined by ultrasound and assessed by the investigator (if qualified) or local radiologist with appropriate training and expertise in reading testicular ultrasound. Note: participants with a volume of <4.0 mL in one testicle and a volume of 4-8 mL in the other testicle are considered to be pre-gonadarche and may participate, if there is no history or evidence of a primary testicular disorder (see Exclusion Criteria 1 and 2).
Have circulating levels of total testosterone (Total T) less than the lower limit of normal (LLN) of 8.3 nmol/L as specified by the central lab for a young healthy adult male.
Have follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) ≤2 IU/L and luteinizing hormone (LH) ≤2 IU/L.
Have inhibin-B levels ≤35 pg/mL. (Note: if individual has inhibin-B levels >35 pg/mL, but meets all of the other inclusion/exclusion criteria, either a GnRH agonist (GnRHa) stimulation test or GnRH IV infusion test may be performed.
In good general physical and mental health, in the opinion of the investigator/sponsor, as assessed by physical examination and routine clinical laboratory tests.
Have a parent/guardian able and willing to support the individual's participation by supporting adherence to study drug dosing and visit schedules.
Exclusion Criteria:
Have a history of bilateral cryptorchidism (maldescended testes) or unilateral cryptorchidism treated after the age of 2 years.
Have a history or presence of clinically significant testicular problems (e.g., epididymitis, orchitis, testicular torsion, varicocele Grade III, testicular atrophy, occlusive azoospermia, etc.) that would impair participants response to treatment or has had known damage or injury to the vas deferens.
Had any previous treatment with GnRH, gonadotropins (e.g., hCG, FSH) or androgens (e.g., testosterone, etc.). Note: Use of GnRH and gonadotropins for diagnostic testing purposes only is allowed. Participants with use of hCG and androgen therapy prior to the age of 2 years old can be included in the trial. Participants with transient use of androgens (i.e., for less than 2 weeks) that was stopped at least 6 months prior to signing informed consent can also be included in the trial.
Has an untreated or inadequately treated pituitary or hypothalamic tumor.
Have uncontrolled endocrinopathies, including thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary disorders not on stable replacement therapies.
Has a history of active pituitary hypersecretion as evidenced by hyperprolactinemia or Cushing's disease, acromegaly, or any other active pituitary hypersecretion syndrome. (Note: Individuals who have been treated and are clinically stable, with no evidence of hypersecretion for at least 12 months prior to screening, may participate.
Has had hypophysectomy within 12 months to the start of screening.
Has history of oncologic chemotherapy treatment.
Has had brain radiotherapy within 12 months of start of treatment for a primary tumor, or any history of brain radiotherapy for metastatic disease.
Has diabetes mellitus.
Has history of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
Has renal insufficiency, as determined by investigator, based on serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and estimated glomerular filtration rate.
Has clinically significant liver disease, including active viral hepatitis or cirrhosis. Individuals with a prior history of liver disease which is now inactive or successfully treated may be enrolled if all liver function values performed within the past year have been normal and within the normal range at Visit 1.
Has had a recent history of recreational or illicit drug use, including marijuana; or routinely consumes >2 alcoholic drinks per day or >14 alcoholic drinks per week, or engages in binge drinking.
Has an allergy/sensitivity to gonadotropins or its/their excipients.
Has used an investigational drug and/or participated in any other clinical trial within the past 8 weeks (prior to Visit 2), or will participate in any other clinical trials (excluding surveys) during the course of this trial.
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Medical Director
Organizational Affiliation
Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC
Official's Role
Study Director
Facility Information:
Facility Name
Centro de Diabetes Curitiba ( Site 0012)
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre ( Site 0014)
Porto Alegre
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Hosp das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Univ de Sao Paulo ( Site 0015)
Sao Paulo
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Rigshospitalet, University department of Growth and Reproduction ( Site 0051)
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
AOU Careggi ( Site 0042)
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Policlinico Umberto I ( Site 0043)
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
IRCCS Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesu ( Site 0044)
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Instituto Nacional de Pediatria ( Site 0007)
Mexico City
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez ( Site 0006)
Mexico City
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Kazan State Medical University ( Site 0024)
ZIP/Postal Code
Russian Federation
Facility Name
Federal State Budget Institution Endocrinological Research Center ( Site 0021)
ZIP/Postal Code
Russian Federation
Facility Name
City children polyclinic #44 ( Site 0025)
Saint Petersburg
ZIP/Postal Code
Russian Federation
Facility Name
St.Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University ( Site 0023)
Saint Petersburg
ZIP/Postal Code
Russian Federation
Facility Name
Republic Children Clinical Hospital ( Site 0022)
ZIP/Postal Code
Russian Federation
Facility Name
Little Company of Mary Hospital ( Site 0017)
ZIP/Postal Code
South Africa
12. IPD Sharing Statement
Plan to Share IPD
IPD Sharing Plan Description
IPD Sharing URL
Learn more about this trial
Efficacy and Safety of Corifollitropin Alfa (MK-8962) in Combination With Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in Adolescent Males With Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism (HH) (MK-8962-043)
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