Efficacy and Tolerability of Subcutaneously Administered Treprostinil Sodium in Patients With Severe (Non-operable) Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTREPH) (CTREPH)
Non-operable Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Non-operable Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
Eligibility Criteria
- Subject must be competent to understand the information given in the written informed consent and from the investigator and must sign and date the informed consent prior to any study mandated procedure.
- Subject must be at least 18 years of age and can be of any ethnical origin
- Women of child bearing potential must be surgically sterile or postmenopausal (amenorrhea for at least 12 months) or using an acceptable form of contraception. Reliable contraception is defined as a method which results in a low failure rate, i.e., less than 1% per year when used correctly such as, implants, injectables, oral contraceptive medications, sexual abstinence, or a vasectomised partner.
Subject must have a current diagnosis of CTEPH, as defined by the following criteria:
- A test result of perfusion scintigraphy and pulmonary angiography and/or multislice CT not older than 6 months, consistent with the diagnosis CTEPH. In case of recurrent PH after PEA, test results from before the surgery are acceptable if a typical specimen was harvested during PEA substantiating the diagnosis of CTEPH.
- A right heart catheterization, not older than 6 months, consistent with the diagnosis CTEPH but specifically with a mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAPm) of > 25 mmHg, and a PVR of > 300 dyn.s.cm-5
- At least three months of effective anticoagulation therapy (without improvement / to exclude subacute pulmonary emboli)
Subject must have CTEPH classified as severe, as defined by the following criteria:
- An un-encouraged 6MWT distance of between 150 and 400 meters
- Classification in the WHO/New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class III or IV
The subject must not be suitable to undergo a PEA and is therefore defined as non-operable, due to at least one of the following reasons:
- Clot is not accessible
- Discrepancy between severity of PH and morphologic lesion
- Subject is not a good surgical candidate for other reasons:
PVR > 1500 dynes.s.cm-5 Age Comorbidity No functional lung parenchyma
- Unsuccessful PEA in the past with residual/recurrent CTEPH
- No consent for PEA given by subject
- Subject must be willing and able to follow all study procedures
- Subject with any form of pulmonary arterial hypertension or any disease known to cause PAH (WHO Group I)
- Subjects with a total lung capacity (TLC) of < 70% predicted or a forced expiratory volume/forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC < 50%)
- Subject who received any prostanoids, within the 30 days before screening or be scheduled to receive prostanoids during the course of the study
- Subject with a new type of chronic therapy (a different category of vasodilator or diuretic) for PAH added within the last month, except anticoagulants
- Subject with an increased risk for hemorrhage or stroke or with a major cardiovascular event during the past 6 months.
- Unstable subjects for any reason (according to the investigators discretion)
- Subject who received any investigational medication within 30 days prior to the screening visit of this study or be scheduled to receive another investigational drug during the course of this study
- Subject with a known intolerance to any drug relevant for this trial, especially to Treprostinil sodium or prostanoids
- Subject with a history or suspicion of non compliance
- Subject who has any musculoskeletal disease or any other disease that would limit ambulation
- Subject with other cardiovascular, liver, renal, hematologic, gastrointestinal immunologic, endocrine, metabolic, or central nervous system disease that, in the opinion of the investigator, may adversely affect the safety of the subject and /or efficacy of the study drug or limit the lifespan of the subject
- Female who is considering pregnancy or who is pregnant and/or lactating
- Subject who is an investigator or any other team member involved directly or indirectly in the conduct of the clinical study.
- Subject who is an inmate of a psychiatric ward, prison or is suspected not to be able to give consent of his free will
Sites / Locations
- Krankenhaus der Elisabethinen
- Medical University of Vienna AKH - Division Cardiology
- II. interní klinika Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice
- Medical University Carl Gustav Carus Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I Medizinische Fakultät der Technischen Universität Dresden
- Department of Cardiac and Vascular Diseases Centre for Rare Cardiovascular Diseases John Paul II Hospital
- NZOZ Europejskie Centrum Zdrowia Otwock
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Treprostinil sodium low dose - Arm I
Treprostinil sodium high dose - Arm II
Arm I (low dose): Subject was treated with a low dose of Treprostinil sodium. Dose was escalated to an approximate target dose of 3 ng/kg/min after the first 12 weeks and was kept stable for another 12 weeks. Due to the predefined infusion rate setting schedule an interim dose of up to 6 ng/kg/min could be reached for few days at the end of the phases 1,2 and 3. This depended on the patient's exact weight and is caused by the limited infusion rate setting possibility of the infusion pump.
Subject was treated with a low dose of Treprostinil sodium. Dose was escalated to an approximate target dose of 3 ng/kg/min after the first 12 weeks and kept stable for another 12 weeks. Due to the predefined infusion rate setting schedule an interim dose of up to 6 ng/kg/min could be reached for few days at the end of the phases 1,2 and 3. This depended on the patient's exact weight and is caused by the limited infusion rate setting possibility of the infusion pump.