Expanding Health System Intervention Through The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program Partnership (WHISPER)
Obesity, Childhood

About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Obesity, Childhood
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Child 6 months - 4 years old who receives health care attention at Wake Forest pediatric or family medicine practices
- Child enrolled in WIC
- Child consumes 2 or more SSB and/or fruit juice total per day
- Child with no chronic health condition
- Child has not seen nutritionist or visited our family-based weight management clinic in the past year
- Parent/caregiver who has not watch educational video "Get in the Zero Zone"
- Parent/caregiver has a smartphone and reliable internet
- Parent/caregiver able to communicate well in English
Exclusion Criteria:
- Child doesn't meet age criteria
- Child consumes less than 2 SSB and/or fruit juice total per day
- Child with a chronic health condition
- Child has seen nutritionist or visited our family-based weight management clinic in the past year
- Parent/caregiver has watched educational video "Get in the Zero Zone"
- Parent/caregiver has completed interview or usability test
- Parent/caregiver doesn't have a smartphone or reliable internet
- Parent/caregiver not able to communicate well in English
Sites / Locations
- Wake Forest School of Medicine
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
The control group participants in this study will not receive any intervention as is the current standard of clinical care for excess sugary drink consumption. They will receive monthly check-in reminders from research staff to promote engagement and retention and will participate in data collection visits at baseline, 3 and 6 months.
Intervention participants will receive a 6-month behavioral intervention with the following components: A water promotion toolkit that includes water bottles, water flavor infusers, stickers to decorate bottles, children's book about water consumption, and instructions for other intervention components (how to view videos, download app, and prepare for calls) Two brief educational videos: a 5-minute video about healthy drink choices for the family and a 3-min video educating residents about local water. Ready, Set Gulp! app for families that will help all family members track their beverage intake, find out how much water and sugar they are consuming, set goals, compete for points, answer quiz questions and create new recipes for flavor infused water. A series of 14 interactive voice response phone calls to parents over 6 months that educate parents on topics relevant to improving family drink choices. Two counseling sessions by a WIC nutritionist at months 2 and 4