Exploratory Study Assessing Synchronisation of Egg Sacs With Degarelix
Infertility, Female

About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Infertility, Female focused on measuring Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), oocyte donors undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for assisted reproductive technologies
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria
- Signed Informed Consent Form, prior to screening evaluations
- In good physical and mental health
- Pre-menopausal females between the ages of 18-35 years (both inclusive) at the time of randomisation
- Regular menstrual cycles of 26-35 days duration (both inclusive), presumed to be ovulatory
- Body mass index (BMI) between 18 and 29 kg/m2 (both inclusive)
- Willing to donate the retrieved oocytes
- Willing to use an adequate barrier method of contraception from informed consent to Day hCG injection +7 and to use an adequate barrier or hormonal method of contraception from Day hCG injection +7 to the end-of-study visit
Exclusion Criteria
- Abnormal karyotype
- Any known clinically significant systemic disease (e.g., insulin dependent diabetes)
- Any known endocrine or metabolic abnormalities (pituitary, adrenal, pancreas, liver or kidney) which can compromise participation in the study
- Diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriosis stage III/IV
- Diagnosed as "poor responder"
- History of recurrent miscarriage (defined as three consecutive spontaneous losses before weeks 24 of pregnancy)
- Pregnancy or lactation
- Use of any investigational drug during 3 months prior to start of the current COH cycle
- Previous participation in the study
- Hypersensitivity to any trial product
Sites / Locations
- UZ Brussel
- IVI-Madrid
- IVI-Valencia
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Placebo Comparator
Degarelix mid-luteal, 2.5 mg
Degarelix 2.5 mg will be injected subcutaneously (SC) 7 days after luteinizing hormone (LH) peak and on Stimulation Day 6. Placebo will be injected SC on Stimulation Day 1.
Placebo will be injected subcutaneously (SC) 7 days after luteinizing hormone (LH) peak. Degarelix 2.5 mg will be injected SC on Stimulation Day 1 and Stimulation Day 6. or Placebo will be injected SC 7 days after LH peak and on Stimulation Day 1. Ganirelix 0.25 mg will be injected SC daily from Stimulation Day 6 until the last stimulation day.