Extracorporeal Shockwave and Myofascial Release Therapy in Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome
Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome focused on measuring chronic pelvic pain syndrome, extracorporeal shockwave, myofascial release therapy, surface electromyography, sympathetic skin response
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: ① According to the National Institutes of Health classification of prostatitis[27], all male patients meet the diagnostic criteria for chronic prostatitis type IIIB/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (pain in the bladder, groin, perineal area, genitalia or lower abdomen with no significant abnormalities on urological examination); Patients are aged 20-40 years; Patients with Chronic pelvic pain lasting over 6 months; ④ Patients sign the informed consent form. Exclusion Criteria: ① Patients with significant coagulation disorders, perineal anatomical abnormalities, hormonal abnormalities and neurological abnormalities; Patients with a clear cause of pelvic pain, such as a history of previous surgery, chronic infection, trauma, prostatitis and epididymitis; Patients receiving other treatments during the study; ④ Patients with any urethral pathology; Patients who have had closed lumbar injections and previous lumbar surgery within six months; Patients with other conditions causing pelvic pain; ⑦ Patients with contraindications to physiotherapy; ⑧ BMI>22.9
Sites / Locations
- Zhongda Hospital affiliated to Southeast University
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
extracorporeal shockwave therapy
myofascial release therapy
extracorporeal shockwave combined with myofascial release therapy
extracorporeal shockwave group: Patients will be treated with extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) with bladder lithotomy position, twice a week for 4 weeks, 3,000 individually with a maximum total energy flow density of 0.25 mJ/mm2, rate 3Hz each time. Extracorporeal shockwave (RUIDI.SWT001, Shenzhen, China) can provide a kind of physical spark wave energy, that will be delivered by the probe. The water sac probe will be moved slowly over the groin, perineum and crura of the penis.
myofascial release group: Based on the palpation findings, pressure was applied at 1 kg/cm2 (within the patient's tolerable range depending on the individual) to the points where patients had a VAS pain score of 4 or more during palpation. Intermittent pressure will be applied for 180-210s at the tenderness until the muscle relaxed.
Combined therapy group: On top of the routine palpation, the combined intervention group will be then treated with extracorporeal shockwave and myofascial release therapy in identical format as that in the intervention A and B