Faecal Incontinence iNtervention Study (FINS)
Fecal Incontinence, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

About this trial
This is an interventional supportive care trial for Fecal Incontinence focused on measuring Fecal Incontinence (FI), Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), bowel control, Chronic diarrhoea, rectal inflammation
Eligibility Criteria
For active case-finding: diagnosis of IBD,between 18 and 80 years of age; diagnosis of IBD confirmed with endoscopy / colonoscopy; no stoma.
For RCT and patient interviews: Patients with IBD who experience FI, are interested in interventions, and meet the following:
Inclusion criteria:
- Endoscopically confirmed IBD diagnosis
- Between 18 and 80 years of age
- No current flare-up of disease (self-report of usual symptoms when not in active flare)
- Reporting FI at least once in the past year
- With or without ileo-anal pouch plus:
Exclusion criteria:
- Under 18 or over 80
- Current disease flare-up (self-report of usual symptoms indicative of active flare)
- Course of specialist FI treatment in past year
- Previous major anal fistula surgery (surgical lay-open) or current perianal fistula
- Current stoma
- Current participation in another trial
- Inability to give informed consent (for example, due to reduced mental capacity)
- Inability to read or speak sufficient English to understand study documents, procedures and requirements
Sites / Locations
- St. Marks Hospital (London North West Healthcare NHS Trust)
- Queen Elizabeth II Hospital
- Bart's Health NHS Trust
- Royal Free Hospital
- Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
- John Radcliffe Hospital (Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust)
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Group 2 (BOOKLET alone)
IBD nurse intervention-Will have 3-4 x 30 minute face-to-face sessions over 3 months with an IBD specialist nurse specifically focusing on bowel control. Participants completing at least 3 sessions will be considered to have completed the intervention. They will also be given a booklet and access to all usual care, including nurse-led IBD helpline
Will receive the same booklet and access to usual care as Group 1.