Family Matters Intervention
Childhood Obesity

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Childhood Obesity focused on measuring Childhood Obesity, Ecological Momentary Intervention, Video Feedback
Eligibility Criteria
The inclusionary criteria used to select participants for the proposed study includes:
- Boys and girls (n=525) ages 5-10 years old who attend a University of Minnesota Physicians (n=4) or Fairview (n=8) primary care clinic and their primary caregiver (e.g., mother, father, grandparent) and at least one sibling. A second primary caregiver and other family members can also participate.
- Must eat ≤3 family dinner meals per week. Research shows that youth who have more than three family meals per week are less likely to be obese ten years later. Thus, families who report three or fewer family meals per week will be recruited to optimize the potential for change in family meal frequency. Families will focus on the family dinner in the intervention to improve their family meal quality and quantity. This decision is based on: (1) Family Systems Theory, which indicates that change in one setting (e.g., family dinner) will generalize to other settings (e.g., breakfast, lunch, snacks).
- Child with age and sex adjusted BMI ≥75th percentile (no upper limit).
- One of the following race/ethnicities: African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Asian American, or White. In order to examine racial/ethnic differences in study hypotheses, equal numbers of children per racial/ethnic group (total=525) will be recruited.
- Parent and family members who speak English or Spanish.
- Not expected to move within the next two years.
The exclusionary criteria used to exclude participants from the proposed study includes:
- Children with medically necessary dietary restrictions (reviewed by MD from primary care clinics).
- Non-custodial parents, who the child does not live with more than 50% of the time.
Sites / Locations
- Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
EMI + HV + Video feedback, Virtual
EMI + HV + Video feedback, Hybrid
EMI (Arm 1): (1) tailored ecological momentary intervention (EMI) prompts sent to parents targeting momentary behaviors (e.g., stress) around family meal quality and quantity for 16 weeks; and (2) a 8-week maintenance phase with EMI tips delivered on high stress days.
EMI + HV + Video Feedback (Arm 2) education visits will all be delivered virtually, and the arm includes: (1) tailored ecological momentary intervention (EMI) prompts sent to parents targeting momentary behaviors (e.g., stress) around family meal quality and quantity for 16 weeks; (2) bi-weekly in-home educational visits (total of 8) with a community health worker (CHW) focusing on family meal quality (i.e., dietary quality, interpersonal quality) and quantity (i.e., frequency of family meals), and 8 weeks "Try it Yourself" activities that reinforce the messages and skills taught by a CHW (for a total of 16 weeks); (3) video feedback on a video-taped family meal delivered every other week during the in-home visit with the CHW; (4) a 8-week maintenance phase with EMI tips delivered on high stress days.
EMI + HV + Video Feedback (Arm 3) education visits will be delivered virtually and in-home, and the arm includes: (1) tailored ecological momentary intervention (EMI) prompts sent to parents targeting momentary behaviors (e.g., stress) around family meal quality and quantity for 16 weeks; (2) bi-weekly in-home educational visits (total of 8) with a community health worker (CHW) focusing on family meal quality (i.e., dietary quality, interpersonal quality) and quantity (i.e., frequency of family meals), and 8 weeks "Try it Yourself" activities that reinforce the messages and skills taught by a CHW (for a total of 16 weeks); (3) video feedback on a video-taped family meal delivered every other week during the in-home visit with the CHW; (4) a 8-week maintenance phase with EMI tips delivered on high stress days.