FIbromyalgia anD GenetIcs Subgroups (FIDGIS) (FIDGIS)

About this trial
This is an interventional basic science trial for Fibromyalgia focused on measuring Fibromyalgia syndrome, Chronic pain, Widespread pain, genetics, central sensitization
Eligibility Criteria
Patient Inclusion criteria :
- Patient between 18 and 65 years old (included),
- Patient with fibromyalgia according to the criteria of the 2016 ACR,
- Patient weighing more than 45kg
- Cooperation and understanding sufficient to comply with the requirements of the study,
- Acceptance to give written consent,
- Affiliation to the French Social Security system,
Patient exclusion criteria :
- treated with antibiotics in the three months prior to inclusion,
- who has reported gastroenteritis in the two months prior to inclusion,
- having a medical and / or surgical history judged by the investigator or his representative to be incompatible with the test
- of childbearing age not using an effective contraceptive method, pregnant or breastfeeding woman.
- participating in another clinical trial, or being in the exclusion period, or having received a total amount of benefits exceeding EUR 4500 over the 12 months preceding the start of the trial,
- benefiting from a measure of legal protection (guardianship, guardianship, deprivation of liberty, safeguard of justice),
Subject inclusion criteria:
- Aged of more than 18 years,
- weighing more than 45kg
- non-painful subjects matched by age (+/- 5 years), by sex, and by menopausal status for women,
- Cooperation and understanding sufficient to comply with the requirements of the study,
- Acceptance of written consent,
- Affiliation to the French Social Security system,
- Registration or acceptance of registration in the National Register of Volunteers participating in research.
Subject exclusion criteria :
- treated with antibiotics in the three months prior to inclusion,
- who has reported gastroenteritis in the two months prior to inclusion,
- Medical and / or surgical history judged by the investigator or his representative to be incompatible with the test,
- Intake of any drugs in the 7 days before inclusion,
- Pregnant or nursing woman
- Participating in another clinical trial, or within the exclusion period, or having received a total amount of compensation in excess of EUR 4500 over the 12 months preceding the start of the trial,
- Benefiting from a measure of legal protection (curatorship, guardianship, safeguard of justice ...)
Sites / Locations
- CHU de Clermont-Ferrand
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Sham Comparator
Patient with fibromyalgia syndrome
Healthy subjects
250 patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (according to American College of Rheumatology 2016) will realize explorations to characterize central sensitization: reflex nociceptive flexion threshold by electrophysiological measure and blood sampling for evaluate the distribution of gene polymorphism.
50 healthy matched volunteers (age, sex and menopausal status for women) will realize explorations to characterize central sensitization: reflex nociceptive flexion threshold by electrophysiological measure and blood sampling for evaluate distribution of gene polymorphism