Flow veRsus OxygeNaTion In acutE ReSpiratory Failure (Frontiers)
Respiratory Failure

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Respiratory Failure
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Patient aged 18-80 at time of recruitment to study) Able to give their own consent (4 "A" Test score of 0 if capacity questionable) Acute respiratory failure but no significant deterioration in the previous hour Receiving conventional oxygen therapy (Hudson, Venturi, non-rebreathing mask or equivalent) up to a maximum of 90% Oxygen saturation ≥ 94% and respiratory rate ≤30
Exclusion Criteria:
Type II respiratory failure (chloride ≤95 and bicarbonate ≥35, on an arterial blood gas or venous sample within 4 weeks) Chronic respiratory disease limiting functional capacity (MRC breathlessness grade IV or V) Pregnancy Heart failure (NYHA Grade III or IV) Decreased GCS Cardiovascular instability (systolic BP ≤90 or heart rate ≥130) Pulmonary embolism Unable to give informed consent Contraindication to receiving high flow nasal oxygen
- Nasal obstruction
- Previous bleomycin administration
- Base of skull fracture
Sites / Locations
- Queen Elizabeth University HospitalRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
30 litres per minute
45 litres per minute
60 litres per minute
High flow nasal oxygen delivery device 'Optiflow'
High flow nasal oxygen delivery device 'Optiflow'
High flow nasal oxygen delivery device 'Optiflow'