HAPPCAP-AD (Human-APPlication Combined Approach for Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease) (HAPPCAP-AD)
Alzheimer Disease

About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Alzheimer Disease focused on measuring Alzheimer Disease; AD offspring; prevention; risk factors
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
• Age 40-65 at enrollment to the study
- Family history of AD-All subjects recruited will have at least 1 parent diagnosed with AD (as specified below)
- All participant will be MHS (Maccabi Health System) members
- Participants must have at least two of the seven risk factors for AD (1. Smoking; 2. type 2 diabetes [T2D]; 3. Hypertension; 4. obesity/ overweight; 5. low physical inactivity; 6. low educational attainment/ mental activity; 7. depression)
- No dementia diagnosis
- Hebrew fluency
Exclusion Criteria:
- Previously diagnosed dementia•
- Any condition expected to limit the adherence to suggested intervention for 18 months
- Any significant neurologic or psychiatric disease
Sites / Locations
- Sheba Medical CenterRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
At 6 months and 12months the study team will communicate with the participants by phone to inquire about risk factors data, propose alternative activities, and provide positive reinforcement and feedback
At baseline, participants in the intervention group will be asked to fill a daily "risk-factor diaries" ("Risk factors log" using the REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) software's survey). In the "Risk factors log", participants will need to answer shortly questions about their specific unbalanced risk factor. In addition, during the 18-months intervention period, the study team will communicate with the participants' every 3-4 weeks by phone. Before each phone call, participants' "Risk factors log" data since previous phone call will be analyzed. The team will propose alternative activities, and provide positive reinforcement and feedback.