High Intensity Body-weight Circuit Training Feasibility and Efficacy for in Middle Aged Persons With Type 2 Diabetes

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Type2diabetes focused on measuring Exercise
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Recent diagnosed of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) (within a year)
HbA1c between 6% and 8%
- Non-insulin dependent
- No medicinal treatment
- Not currently undergoing a physical activity program in the last six months
- Received written medical clearance from overseeing physician
- Willingness to be randomized to either intervention group
Exclusion Criteria:
Those who have undergone any revascularization procedure
- Diagnosed with or symptomatic of any renal, pulmonary, or cardiovascular disease (CVD)
- Diagnosed cognitive dysfunction
- Current smoker
Sites / Locations
- Kennesaw State UniveristyRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
high intensity body-weight circuit (HIBC)
traditional exercise intervention (TEI)
HIBC Exercise Protocol- circuit repetition and order is as follows: modified squats (10 repetitions), modified rows (5 repetitions), crunches (10), and modified push-ups (5). The exercise sessions will involve repeating a series of repetitions of each movement in sequence, and completing as many sequences as possible in good form in the time allotted for the exercise (initially, 5 minutes). Three sessions per week will be completed at home. After three weeks of training, participants will be asked to add a fourth session each week. Initially, the HIBC sessions will be five minutes long, and the duration of the sessions will increase by one minute each week as tolerated beginning in week four, peaking at 10-minutes per session (warm up not included in this timing) as early as the eighth week of training. Session duration will be capped at 10-minutes.
TEI Protocol- The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) joint position stand on exercise prevention for T2DM recommends participants undertake at least 150 min/week of moderate to vigorous activity in high-risk adults 5,13. Therefore, this intervention will initially consist of three sessions per week of 40 minutes of continuous physical activity, and increase to a fourth weekly session following the third week. The TEI modality will consist of walking exercise at a moderate intensity of 40- 60% heart rate reserve (([maximal heart rate - resting heart rate] x 0.4-0.6) + resting heart rate). Participants will continue this protocol for 16-weeks.