Hispanic Men Building Respect Education and Safety/ HoMBRES Manteniendo Respeto, Educacion y Seguridad. (HoMBRES)
Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence, HIV/AIDS
About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Substance Abuse focused on measuring Family Violence, Hispanic/Latino, Health Disparities, Migrant farmworkers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- male
- adults (age 18 or above)
- living in semirural and urban areas of Miami Dade
- Latino
- understand and speaks Spanish
- has an eligible son ( 11-17 years old)
Exclusion Criteria:
- father does not provide consent and permission for his son
- son does not provide assent
Sites / Locations
- Florida International University
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Active Comparator
No Intervention
No Intervention
HoMBRES Intervention Group - Father
Diabetes Prevention Intervention Group - Father
HoMBRES Intervention Group - Adolescent
Diabetes Prevention Intervention Group - Adolescent
Four sessions (2 sessions per week, approximately 1.5 hours each) with the fathers, in which facilitators conduct educational sessions; During the period of social distancing, interventions were remotely facilitated via a well-tested video platform accessible by a link sent to the participants' telephone, computer, tablet or IPad (approximately 1.5 hours each session. Intervention videos were followed up with a telephone call to respond to any questions participants may have had about the sessions and clarify (if needed) the material covered in the videos via telephone or videoconferences. Only fathers were included in this group.
One session of 1.5 hours held once per week. Session content will focus on the importance of physical activity, healthy eating, and maintaining a healthy weight. Only fathers were included in this group.
The adolescent received no intervention.
The adolescent received no intervention.