Hypnosis in Autonomic Function
Vasovagal Syncope, Postural Tachycardia Syndrome, Hypnosis

About this trial
This is an observational trial for Vasovagal Syncope focused on measuring Chronic Orthostatic Intolerance, Dysautonomia, Postural Tachycardia Syndrome, Neurocardiogenic, Syncope, Neurocardiogenic Syncope, COI, POTS, Neurocardogenic Syncope, NCS, Healthy Volunteer, HV
Eligibility Criteria
INCLUSION CRITERIA: Subjects are patients with COI (POTS or NCS) identified in existing diagnostic protocols of the Clinical Neurocardiology Section (CNCS) and age- and gender-matched healthy volunteers. Patients with COI must be evaluated first through these diagnostic protocols prior to being offered enrollment in this protocol. Participation in this protocol is offered to subjects independently of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or creed. The studies in this protocol can be performed on an outpatient basis. Inpatients may also participate as long as participation does not interfere with the protocol(s) under which they have been admitted. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Subjects are excluded based on: age less than 18 years, unwillingness to be hypnotized or videotaped; religious or other beliefs that would prevent engagement in hypnosis; psychosis or psychotic depression; non-fluency in spoken English; and inability to participate adequately in the tasks of the hypnotic susceptibility scale. In addition, patients are excluded if they are being treated with, and cannot discontinue, a drug likely to interfere with the scientific results. An example would be treatment with a beta-adrenoceptor blocker. Patients unable to discontinue nicotine or alcohol temporarily are excluded. Patients are not to discontinue any medications before the patient or the patient's doctor discusses this with the Principal Investigator, or the Research Nurse. If it is decided that discontinuing medications would be unsafe, then the patient is excluded from the study. Finally, subjects are excluded if there are technical limitations in placing an i.v. or monitoring devices.
Sites / Locations
- National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)