Immunogenicity and Safety of GBS-NN/NN2 in Pregnant Women
Group B Streptococcal Infection

About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Group B Streptococcal Infection
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Healthy pregnant woman above the legally defined age of consent at the time of screening
- Carrying a normal singleton pregnancy, and is at 21+0 to 23+6 weeks GA at the planned tme of the 1st vaccination, as established by first/second trimester ultrasound examination
- Properly informed about the study and has given written informed consent and parental consent (for her baby) in accordance with the International Conference on Harmonization Good Clinical Practice (ICH GCP) and local legislation prior to the first study intervention
- Grants access to her own and her baby's study related medical records
Exclusion Criteria
- Previous vaccination with an investigational Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Vaccine
- BMI of <17 or >40 at the time of screening
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and/or hepatitis C virus (HCV) positive or positive for syphilis
- Knowingly carrying, at screening, a malformed or genetically abnormal foetus, incl. renal pelvis dilation, single umbilical artery (screening will be undertaken after the ultrasound conducted for the detection of anomalies)
- Chronic or pregnancy induced hypertension at screening, >1+ protein in urine regardless of blood pressure or 1+ protein in urine and hypertension
- Experienced a previous stillbirth prior to going into labour
- Gestational, type 1 or type 2 diabetes
- Potential placenta previa as per malformation ultrasound scan
- Rhesus negative and has anti-D antibodies or other potential harmful antibodies
- Known or suspected allergies to any components of the vaccine including to aluminium or aminoglycoside antibiotics, or an allergic reaction related to a previous vaccination
- Fever (temperature >37.9°C) on the day of receiving the first dose or an acute infection in the 7 days before the first dose (the first dose can be delayed if gestational age permits)
- Received systemic steroids in the 6 weeks before the first dose (inhaled and topical steroids are acceptable)
- Any lesion (including tattoos) at the planned injection site that will impair the assessment of the injection site
- Received immunosuppressive medication, chemotherapy or radiotherapy in the 24 weeks before the first dose
- Received blood, blood products, plasma derivatives or any immunoglobulin preparations in the 12 weeks before the first dose
- Anaemia, haemoglobin (<10 g/dL, 100 g/L, 6.2 mmol/L)
- Currently breast feeding
- Received any investigational medicinal product or vaccine in the 12 weeks or 5 half-lives before the first dose
- Received an approved vaccine within the 4 weeks before the first dose or expects to receive an approved vaccine during the study. Routine vaccinations recommended during pregnancy (e.g., pertussis and influenza) are permitted but every effort should be made to separate routine vaccinations from the trial vaccinations by at least 7 days.
- Known or suspected immunodeficiency or cancer (leukaemia, lymphoma), or a family history of congenital or hereditary immunodeficiency
- History or presence of uncontrolled cardiovascular disease, pulmonary, hepatic, gall bladder or biliary tract, renal, haematological, gastrointestinal, endocrine, immunologic, dermatological, neurological, psychiatric, or autoimmune disease
- History of, or current drug or alcohol abuse
- In the opinion of the investigator not suitable for inclusion in the study
- The pregnancy is considered high risk by treating physicians
Sites / Locations
- Aarhus University Hospital; Skejby
- Hvidovre University Hospital
- Institut for Regional Sundhedsforskning
- ESRU Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital
- Shandukani Research Clinic
- Wits Vaccines & Infectious Diseases Analytics
- Mecru Clinical Research Unit (MeCRU)
- Setshaba Research Centre
- St George's University Hospital
- University Hospital Southampton
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Arm 5
Placebo Comparator
Group 1: 4 week dose interval; 2 doses
Group 2: early intervention; 4 week dose interval; 2 doses
Group 3: early intervention; 8 week dose interval; 2 doses
Group 4: single dose
Group 5: placebo
Participants will receive one injection of placebo at 22 (±1) weeks GA, one injection of GBS-NN/NN2 at 26 (±1) weeks GA and one injection of GBS- NN/NN2 at 30 (±1) weeks GA
Participants will receive one injection of GBS-NN/NN2 at 22 (±1) weeks GA, one injection of GBS-NN/NN2 at 26 (±1) weeks GA and one injection of placebo at 30 (±1) weeks GA
Participants will receive one injection of GBS-NN/NN2 at 22 (±1) weeks GA, one injection of placebo at 26 (±1) weeks GA and one injection of GBS- NN/NN2 at 30 (±1) weeks GA
Participants will receive one injection of placebo at 22 (±1) weeks GA, one injection of GBS-NN/NN2 at 26 (±1) weeks GA, and one injection of placebo at 30 (±1) weeks GA.
Participants will receive one injection of placebo at 22, 26 and 30 weeks (±1) GA