Intraoral Cryotherapy in Root Canal Retreatment
Cryotherapy Effect

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Cryotherapy Effect focused on measuring analgesic, cryotherapy, periapical periodontitis, postoperative pain, retreatment
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- 18 and 65 year-old patients.
- Patients with pre-treated teeth diagnosed with symptomatic or asymptomatic apical periodontitis.
- Patients who can tolerate the treatment physically and mentally.
Exclusion Criteria:
- The presence of any systemic disease,
- the presence of any allergic reactions or pregnancy,
- use of any analgesic or antibiotic medication within 7 days,
- use of corticosteroid within 6 months,
- severe periodontal disease (periodontal pockets >3 mm) in the pretreated tooth,
- surgical endodontic treatment,
- having drainage,
- periapical index (PAI) score 1 and 2,
- excessively curved, excessively long or short roots, calcified or resorbed root canals,
- immature apices,
- complications like perforation, overfilling, broken files
Sites / Locations
- Izmir Katip Celebi University
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Arm 5
Arm 6
No Intervention
No Intervention
Single visit control
Single visit 15 minutes cryotherapy
Single visit 30 minutes cryotherapy
Multiple visit control
Multiple visit 15 minutes cryotherapy
Multiple visit 30 minutes cryotherapy
The root canals were obturated in the same session using cold lateral compaction technique with AH Plus sealer (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstanz, Germany), Protaper Universal gutta-percha (ProTaper Universal gutta-percha, Dentsply) and .02 tapered auxiliary gutta-percha (Diadent, Chongju, Korea) cones. Residual gutta-perchas in the access cavity were removed with the aid of heated hand tools. The quality of root canal filling was checked with periapical radiographs. The pulp chamber was filled with flowable composite resin (Filtek Ultimate Flowable, 3M-ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA) and nanohybrid composite resin (3M-ESPE) using an incremental technique. Intraoral cryotherapy was not applied.
The root canals were obturated in the same session using cold lateral compaction technique with AH Plus sealer (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstanz, Germany), Protaper Universal gutta-percha (ProTaper Universal gutta-percha, Dentsply) and .02 tapered auxiliary gutta-percha (Diadent, Chongju, Korea) cones. Residual gutta-perchas in the access cavity were removed with the aid of heated hand tools. The quality of root canal filling was checked with periapical radiographs. The pulp chamber was filled with flowable composite resin (Filtek Ultimate Flowable, 3M-ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA) and nanohybrid composite resin (3M-ESPE) using an incremental technique. 15 minutes intraoral cryotherapy was applied.
The root canals were obturated in the same session using cold lateral compaction technique with AH Plus sealer (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstanz, Germany), Protaper Universal gutta-percha (ProTaper Universal gutta-percha, Dentsply) and .02 tapered auxiliary gutta-percha (Diadent, Chongju, Korea) cones. Residual gutta-perchas in the access cavity were removed with the aid of heated hand tools. The quality of root canal filling was checked with periapical radiographs. The pulp chamber was filled with flowable composite resin (Filtek Ultimate Flowable, 3M-ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA) and nanohybrid composite resin (3M-ESPE) using an incremental technique. 30 minutes intraoral cryotherapy was applied.
Root canals were filled with calcium hydroxide paste (Kalsin, Turkey), prepared according to the rate recommended by the manufacturer using a lentulo spiral (Dentsply Sirona, Switzerland) 2 mm from the working length. Sterile dry cotton pellets were placed in the pulp chamber, then the access cavity was sealed with a temporary filling material and occlusion was checked. Intraoral cryotherapy was not applied. Patients were given an appointment 7 days later for second visit. In this appointment, patients were anesthetized, the tooth was isolated with rubber dam, the temporary filling material was removed. Then calcium hydroxide paste was removed by using the last instrument used to prepare the root canals at the working length during the first appointment using sufficient irrigation. The final irrigation protocol was repeated. Root canal fillings and permanent restorations were completed by applying the same techniques as in single session groups.
Root canals were filled with calcium hydroxide paste (Kalsin, Turkey), prepared according to the rate recommended by the manufacturer using a lentulo spiral (Dentsply Sirona, Switzerland) 2 mm from the working length. Sterile dry cotton pellets were placed in the pulp chamber, then the access cavity was sealed with a temporary filling material and occlusion was checked. 15 minutes intraoral cryotherapy was applied. Patients were given an appointment 7 days later for second visit. In this appointment, patients were anesthetized, the tooth was isolated with rubber dam, the temporary filling material was removed. Then calcium hydroxide paste was removed by using the last instrument used to prepare the root canals at the working length during the first appointment using sufficient irrigation. The final irrigation protocol was repeated. Root canal fillings and permanent restorations were completed by applying the same techniques as in single session groups.
Root canals were filled with calcium hydroxide paste (Kalsin, Turkey), prepared according to the rate recommended by the manufacturer using a lentulo spiral (Dentsply Sirona, Switzerland) 2 mm from the working length. Sterile dry cotton pellets were placed in the pulp chamber, then the access cavity was sealed with a temporary filling material and occlusion was checked. 30 minutes intraoral cryotherapy was applied. Patients were given an appointment 7 days later for second visit. In this appointment, patients were anesthetized, the tooth was isolated with rubber dam, the temporary filling material was removed. Then calcium hydroxide paste was removed by using the last instrument used to prepare the root canals at the working length during the first appointment using sufficient irrigation. The final irrigation protocol was repeated. Root canal fillings and permanent restorations were completed by applying the same techniques as in single session groups.