Investigating Mechanisms Underlying Spinal Cord Stimulation Efficacy Using Virtual Reality and Full Body Illusion

About this trial
This is an interventional other trial for Neuropathy;Peripheral focused on measuring spinal cord stimulation, virtual reality, full body illusion
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age 18-and older at the time of enrollment
- Patients carrying a diagnosis of CPRS type 125 or chronic refractory neuropathic leg pain following FBS4
- Patients who have implanted epidural SCS
- The SCS implantation for at least three months prior to enrollment
- Patients with efficacious SCS as defined by ≥ 50% pain improvement after switching SCS from an OFF state to an ON state ('optimal' stimulation efficacy)
- Patients willing and able to provide informed consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients who are unable to effectively or efficiently communicate for example patients suffering from speech deficits (dysarthria, aphasia) or are non-English speaking.
- Patients with history of prior cranial surgery, significant brain lesions for example intracranial tumors, strokes etc.
- Non efficacious response to SCS <50% pain improvement with optimal stimulation parameters
- Evidence of untreated psychiatric disorders or drugs/alcohol abuse.
- History of seizures
Sites / Locations
- The Ohio Sate University
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
neurovisual stimulation
Participants in this study will be adults who have already undergone implantation of SCS for the treatment of their pain conditions. The study involves no further treatment or intervention. Subjects will be approached for participation in this study during their routine postoperative clinical visit to the Center for Neuromodulation at the Ohio State University (OSU).All eligible patients will undergo a one-day visit for the virtual reality and full body illusion intervention. This research will also investigate leg embodiment and leg analgesic effects during SCS integrated with different patterns of virtual leg illumination.