Investigating the Feasibility of a Physical Activity (Tele)Coaching Intervention in Patients With Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: an Explorative Study (LUCA-coach)
Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, Non-small Cell Carcinoma

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Three to nine months after a lung resection surgery for non-small cell lung cancer
- If patients received adjuvant chemotherapy, the inclusion window will be three months to nine months after the end of adjuvant chemotherapy
- Adults (+18 year)
Exclusion Criteria:
- Progressive or recurrent lung cancer
- Who had other malignancies in the last 2 years
- Psychiatric disorders
- Other ongoing treatments
- Involved in or planned to start a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program
- Unable to learn to work with a new electronic device (e.g. smartphone)
- Not understanding and speaking Dutch
- Patients with comorbidities precluding them from participation in a physical activity intervention
Sites / Locations
- REVAL Gebouw ARecruiting
- UZ GentRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Automated Coaching Program (ACP)
Manual Coaching Program (MCP)
The ACP will use the application as developed for patients with COPD and tested to be effective in this population (Demeyer et al., 2017). The program includes 1) one-to-one semi-structured interview (V1) with the coach discussing the importance of physical activity, motivation, self-efficacy, barriers, favorite activities and (coping) strategies to become more active resulting in an individual action plan; 2) step counter (Fitbit; wrist or waist worn) providing direct feedback which automatically sends data to the smartphone via blue-tooth. Patients will be asked to wear this step counter every day during the intervention; 3) smartphone coaching application, installed on a smartphone and linked to the step counter, will provide automated coaching by displaying an individual activity goal (expressed as daily step count) and daily and weekly feedback on the performance (steps) of the patient. 4) phone calls by the coaches initiated in pre-defined situations.
The MCP includes 1) one-to-one semi-structured interview (V1) with the coach discussing the importance of physical activity, motivation, self-efficacy, barriers, favorite activities and (coping) strategies to become more active resulting in an individual action plan; 2) step counter (Fitbit, wrist or waist worn), that will be linked with a smartphone using the Fitbit application providing direct feedback. Patients can access the Fitbit application if they want to, but they will not receive personal feedback; 3) weekly phone calls by the coaches, interviewing patients on their progress, performance (steps) and feedback. The first goal is based on the physical activity level at the beginning of the coaching intervention (median of 4 days). The individual activity goal (expressed as daily step count) will be revised based on the patient's willingness to increase.