L-DOPA vs. Placebo for Depression and Psychomotor Slowing in Older Adults
Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymia, Depression

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Major Depressive Disorder focused on measuring Depressive symptoms, Cognitive problems, Antidepressant non-response, Dopamine system, Older Adults, Motor slowing
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Aged 60 years and older
- DSM 5 non-psychotic Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymia, or Depression Not Otherwise Specified
- Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) > 15
- Decreased processing speed (defined as performance > 0.5SD below age-adjusted norms on Digit Symbol Substitution Test or Trail Making Test Part A) OR decreased gait speed (defined as average walking speed over 15' course < 1m/s)
- Willing to and capable of providing informed consent and complying with study procedures
- Alternative standard treatments for MDD, Dysthymia, or Depression NOS (e.g., antidepressant medication or psychotherapy) have been discussed and the individual agrees to be involved in an experimental treatment.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Diagnosis of substance abuse or dependence (excluding Tobacco Use Disorder) within the past 12 months.
- History of or current psychosis, psychotic disorder, mania, or bipolar disorder
- Diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's Disease, Vascular Dementia, or Parkinson's Disease (PD)
- Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) < 25
- HRSD ≥ 28; HRSD suicide item > 2 or the presence of significant suicide risk as judged by clinician or Clinical Global Impressions (CGI)-Severity score of 7 at baseline.
- Current or recent (within the past 4 weeks) treatment with antidepressants, antipsychotics, dopaminergic agents, or mood stabilizers.
- History of allergy, hypersensitivity reaction, or severe intolerance to L-DOPA
- Acute, severe, or unstable medical or neurological illness
Mobility limiting osteoarthritis of any lower extremity joints, symptomatic lumbar spine disease, mobility limiting history of joint replacement surgery, or history of spine surgery
- Having contraindication to MRI scanning (such as metal in body) or unable to tolerate the scanning procedures
- History of significant radioactivity exposure (nuclear medicine studies or occupational exposure)
Sites / Locations
- New York State Psychiatric Institute
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Placebo Comparator
Placebo Arm
Those assigned to L-DOPA will begin taking 37.5mg carbidopa/150 mg levodopa once daily (with placebo twice daily) for one week, then increase to 75mg carbidopa/300mg levodopa (37.5 mg carbidopa/150mg levodopa twice daily and placebo once daily) for one week, and finally increase to 112.5mg carbidopa/450mg levodopa (37.5 mg carbidopa/150mg levodopa three times daily and no placebo) for the final six weeks. Each subject assigned to the L-DOPA arm will be titrated to 450mg L-DOPA unless they cannot tolerate higher doses, in which case subjects will have their dosage reduced to the maximum tolerable dose
Subjects assigned to the placebo arm will take placebo oral tablet three times daily throughout the study.