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Le Kip Kip: A Campaign to Change Social Norms and Build Sustainable Demand for PrEP Among Women in South Africa

Primary Purpose

Pre-exposure Prophylaxis, HIV Infections

Not Applicable
South Africa
Study Type
Social Media Campaign
PrEP Champions
Community Mobilization
Sponsored by
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Full info

About this trial

This is an interventional health services research trial for Pre-exposure Prophylaxis focused on measuring PrEP, Pre-exposure Prophylaxis, HIV prevention, Cluster randomized trial, Community-based methods, Key populations, Female sex workers, Adolescent girls and young women, South Africa

Eligibility Criteria

15 Years - undefined (Child, Adult, Older Adult)FemaleDoes not accept healthy volunteers

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Eligible to take PrEP per TB HIV Care programmatic criteria
  • Engaged in TB HIV Care HIV prevention program

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Not eligible for PrEP (not at risk for HIV) per TB HIV Care programmatic criteria

Sites / Locations

  • TB HIV CareRecruiting

Arms of the Study

Arm 1

Arm 2

Arm 3

Arm 4

Arm 5

Arm Type

No Intervention





Arm Label

Standard of Care

Enhanced social media campaign

Enhanced social media campaign + PrEP champions

Enhanced social media campaign + Community mobilization

Enhanced social media campaign + PrEP champions + Community mobilization

Arm Description

Full-time peer educators employed by the TB HIV Care programme to engage women, layer PrEP promotion across prevention programs, and implement "refer a friend" strategies, information, education and communication (IEC) materials, service user testimonials, risk reduction posters to increase young women's perception of risk, working after hours/weekends to reach young women, working with school governing bodies, and door-to-door outreach.

Social media campaign which will be disseminated on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp with targeted ads/promotion of materials in intervention districts.

Venue-based peers who will provide PrEP information, share personal experiences with PrEP, and refer young women to TB HIV Care to receive PrEP if interested in addition to the enhanced social media campaign.

Peers will work within wards to organize and attend community meetings to share PrEP information and facilitate discussions with young women, male partners, family members, and other community members in addition to the enhanced social media campaign.

Clusters in this arm will receive both the PrEP champion and community mobilization interventions in addition to the enhanced social media campaign.


Primary Outcome Measures

PrEP uptake within the TB HIV Care programme
Proportion of FSW/AGYW clients within the TB HIV Care PrEP programme who initiate PrEP among all eligible marginalized young women to whom it is offered.

Secondary Outcome Measures

PrEP persistence at 1-month within the TB HIV Care programme
Proportion of FSW/AGYW clients within the TB HIV Care programme who return for 1-month follow-up visit.
PrEP persistence at 4 months within the TB HIV Care programme
Proportion of FSW/AGYW clients within the TB HIV Care programme who return for 4-month follow-up visit.
Satisfaction with social influence campaign components measured via descriptive statistics captured in post-trial cross-sectional survey
Service user uptake and engagement with campaign measured via the number of times each ad was viewed overall and by an individual, number of times someone clicked on each ad, and the click-through rate metric which tells you the percentage of people who click an ad out of all the people who saw the ad; the team will also assess the number of website/Facebook page visits, video views and appointments made with TB HIV Care program.
Costs associated with planning, designing, and implementing the social influence campaign will be assessed via review of detailed study budgets.
Extent to which the social influence campaign reached FSW/AGYW and their families/peers/partners measured via descriptive statistics from post-trial survey questions on campaign exposure and perceptions of the campaign among FSW/AGYW and their social support networks.
Extent to which the social influence campaign was carried out according to plan measured via social media metrics to determine whether static and video content were shared across platforms as planned and via program logs/quality assessments of community mobilization and PrEP champion activities to determine the degree to which implementation activities were carried out as planned.

Full Information

First Posted
June 2, 2022
Last Updated
October 10, 2023
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), TB/HIV Care, Community Media Trust

1. Study Identification

Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
Le Kip Kip: A Campaign to Change Social Norms and Build Sustainable Demand for PrEP Among Women in South Africa
Official Title
Optimizing Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Implementation and Effectiveness Among Women at High Risk for HIV Acquisition in South Africa
Study Type

2. Study Status

Record Verification Date
October 2023
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
October 1, 2022 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
September 30, 2023 (Actual)
Study Completion Date
November 2023 (Anticipated)

3. Sponsor/Collaborators

Responsible Party, by Official Title
Name of the Sponsor
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), TB/HIV Care, Community Media Trust

4. Oversight

Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Data Monitoring Committee

5. Study Description

Brief Summary
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of a social media campaign and community engagement activities to promote pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use among young women and to influence community norms around PrEP in South Africa. To do this, the investigative team will analyze PrEP initiation and retention data from the study's implementing partner, TB HIV Care, a non-profit organization providing PrEP to marginalized young women in South Africa. The effect of the social media campaign and community engagement will be tested using a short duration cluster randomized trial (CRT).
Detailed Description
The cluster randomized trial (CRT) will not engage in PrEP provision to individuals, but instead employs geographical regions to serve as units of randomization where social media content and community engagement will be targeted. TB HIV Care employs a large team to provide routine service delivery while the CRT tests strategies including a social media campaign and community engagement that may amplify PrEP uptake and persistence among the community, leveraging the programme infrastructure to actually provide services as it is already doing. Embedding strategies within the programme ensures that the existing results come from real world contexts and focuses on implementation of support strategies rather than clinical care provision. The CRT will be implemented across 10 districts, with 5 districts serving as control sites and 5 as intervention sites.

6. Conditions and Keywords

Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Pre-exposure Prophylaxis, HIV Infections
PrEP, Pre-exposure Prophylaxis, HIV prevention, Cluster randomized trial, Community-based methods, Key populations, Female sex workers, Adolescent girls and young women, South Africa

7. Study Design

Primary Purpose
Health Services Research
Study Phase
Not Applicable
Interventional Study Model
Factorial Assignment
None (Open Label)
35075 (Anticipated)

8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions

Arm Title
Standard of Care
Arm Type
No Intervention
Arm Description
Full-time peer educators employed by the TB HIV Care programme to engage women, layer PrEP promotion across prevention programs, and implement "refer a friend" strategies, information, education and communication (IEC) materials, service user testimonials, risk reduction posters to increase young women's perception of risk, working after hours/weekends to reach young women, working with school governing bodies, and door-to-door outreach.
Arm Title
Enhanced social media campaign
Arm Type
Arm Description
Social media campaign which will be disseminated on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp with targeted ads/promotion of materials in intervention districts.
Arm Title
Enhanced social media campaign + PrEP champions
Arm Type
Arm Description
Venue-based peers who will provide PrEP information, share personal experiences with PrEP, and refer young women to TB HIV Care to receive PrEP if interested in addition to the enhanced social media campaign.
Arm Title
Enhanced social media campaign + Community mobilization
Arm Type
Arm Description
Peers will work within wards to organize and attend community meetings to share PrEP information and facilitate discussions with young women, male partners, family members, and other community members in addition to the enhanced social media campaign.
Arm Title
Enhanced social media campaign + PrEP champions + Community mobilization
Arm Type
Arm Description
Clusters in this arm will receive both the PrEP champion and community mobilization interventions in addition to the enhanced social media campaign.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Social Media Campaign
Intervention Description
PrEP social influence campaign, which will use online approaches to promote PrEP within communities in addition to the standard of care activities. Messaging crafted with community input will be geographically targeted to women, parents/mentors, and male partners on Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp, all with the intention to promote PrEP for women at high risk of HIV infection and change community norms and influence around PrEP. A combination of static imagery and brief videos will be used to engage these groups via social media platforms. A Facebook page will be created and maintained that can be accessed by anyone anywhere, but will only be advertised/promoted in the intervention districts.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
PrEP Champions
Intervention Description
Within venues served by the FSW and AGYW programs, the team will identify and train 1 venue-based PrEP champion per venue who will receive supplies (e.g. a hat, pin and posters, flyers, IEC material) to wear to promote PrEP, facilitate linkage between women interested in PrEP and the TB HIV Care PrEP programme. PrEP champions will be either peers with experience taking PrEP, venue managers or local influencers (e.g. women running shops next to the mobile serving AGYW) that have repeated contact with the women the programme is intended to serve. The final selection of PrEP champions will be made in consultation with the Community Advisory Groups, venues and by the programme who works closely with each of the sites.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Community Mobilization
Intervention Description
A PrEP community mobilization team (2 peers, including one woman and one man) will be recruited within each ward to promote PrEP. The team will present information about PrEP and the PrEP programme at the ward councilors meeting, at Learning Support Agent meetings with parents/guardians, at local events/fairs, community meetings and through engaging men, women and parents across the community through informal conversations. Teams will be wearing branded material and will focus on presenting factual information and decreasing PrEP stigma. Each team will focus on promoting PrEP within their own ward over the 6-month period.
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
PrEP uptake within the TB HIV Care programme
Proportion of FSW/AGYW clients within the TB HIV Care PrEP programme who initiate PrEP among all eligible marginalized young women to whom it is offered.
Time Frame
Month 0
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
PrEP persistence at 1-month within the TB HIV Care programme
Proportion of FSW/AGYW clients within the TB HIV Care programme who return for 1-month follow-up visit.
Time Frame
Month 1
PrEP persistence at 4 months within the TB HIV Care programme
Proportion of FSW/AGYW clients within the TB HIV Care programme who return for 4-month follow-up visit.
Time Frame
Month 4
Satisfaction with social influence campaign components measured via descriptive statistics captured in post-trial cross-sectional survey
Time Frame
Month 12
Service user uptake and engagement with campaign measured via the number of times each ad was viewed overall and by an individual, number of times someone clicked on each ad, and the click-through rate metric which tells you the percentage of people who click an ad out of all the people who saw the ad; the team will also assess the number of website/Facebook page visits, video views and appointments made with TB HIV Care program.
Time Frame
Month 12
Costs associated with planning, designing, and implementing the social influence campaign will be assessed via review of detailed study budgets.
Time Frame
Month 12
Extent to which the social influence campaign reached FSW/AGYW and their families/peers/partners measured via descriptive statistics from post-trial survey questions on campaign exposure and perceptions of the campaign among FSW/AGYW and their social support networks.
Time Frame
Month 12
Extent to which the social influence campaign was carried out according to plan measured via social media metrics to determine whether static and video content were shared across platforms as planned and via program logs/quality assessments of community mobilization and PrEP champion activities to determine the degree to which implementation activities were carried out as planned.
Time Frame
Month 12

10. Eligibility

Gender Based
Gender Eligibility Description
Eligibility to limited to cisgender women
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
15 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Eligible to take PrEP per TB HIV Care programmatic criteria Engaged in TB HIV Care HIV prevention program Exclusion Criteria: Not eligible for PrEP (not at risk for HIV) per TB HIV Care programmatic criteria
Central Contact Person:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Sheree R Schwartz, PhD
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Lillian M Shipp, MSPH
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Sheree R Schwartz, PhD
Organizational Affiliation
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Official's Role
Principal Investigator
Facility Information:
Facility Name
Cape Town
Western Cape
South Africa
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Harry Hausler, MD, PhD, MPH
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Chitra Singh, MS
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Harry Hausler, MD, PhD, MPH

12. IPD Sharing Statement

Plan to Share IPD
IPD Sharing Plan Description
Aggregate programmatic data will be used to assess trial outcomes rather than individual participant data given the cluster randomized trial design. Therefore, no IPD will be collected and no sharing plan is required.

Learn more about this trial

Le Kip Kip: A Campaign to Change Social Norms and Build Sustainable Demand for PrEP Among Women in South Africa

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