Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound: a New Paradigm for Depression and Anxiety (LIFU)

About this trial
This is an interventional other trial for Depression focused on measuring Functional Neuroimaging, Acoustic Stimulation, Focused Ultrasound
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patients must meet DSM-5 criteria for major depressive disorder with and without anxiety symptoms
- Patients must also be symptomatic (i.e. symptom severity above clinical thresholds using standard rating scales) and, if relevant, stable treatment(s) for >6 weeks.
- Healthy volunteers must have an absence of psychiatric disorders ( >6 months; lifetime for major depression and PTSD) and absence of psychiatric medications of therapy for >6 months
Exclusion Criteria:
- history of seizure disorder or serious neurologic illness including dementia
- structural or neurologic abnormalities present or in close proximity to sonication site for patients (e.g., clinically significant calcification as might be observed in Fahr disease)
- history of brain surgery, iv) pacemaker or implanted central nervous system device
- greater than mild traumatic brain injury, or any head injury within sixty days of participation
- greater than moderate alcohol or substance use disorders (last six months; excluding nicotine/caffeine)
- active use or withdrawal from alcohol or substances (assessed via breathalyzer/urine testing as indicated)
- metal in the head
- impediment to vision, hearing and/or hand use likely to interfere with assessments
- pregnant or lactating (assessed via pregnancy test)
- unable to follow protocols
- acute suicidality, defined as "Yes" on item 4 of the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), (i.e., active suicidal ideation with some intent to act on thoughts), or any endorsement of item 5 (active ideation with specific plan and intent) or any actual, interrupted, aborted attempt or preparatory behavior within the past month.
- symptom threshold considered in the "very severe" range using standard rating scales will be excluded.
Sites / Locations
- VA Providence Healthcare SystemRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Active Comparator
No Intervention
Target Site Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound
Control Site Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound
Healthy Control
Low Intensity focused ultrasound of the target region. These are at a fundamental frequency = 650kHz, PRF = 10Hz, pulse width = 5ms, duty cycle = 5%; ISPTA.3 of 720 mW/cm2. As in prior studies, each sonication includes 10 pulsations, each lasting 30s, followed by 30s pause intervals; two 10-minute administrations provided per LIFU session.
Low Intensity focused ultrasound of the control region. These are at a fundamental frequency = 650kHz, PRF = 10Hz, pulse width = 5ms, duty cycle = 5%; ISPTA.3 of 720 mW/cm2. As in prior studies, each sonication includes 10 pulsations, each lasting 30s, followed by 30s pause intervals; two 10-minute administrations provided per LIFU session.
25 age- and sex-matched healthy controls will be recruited and complete fMRI tasks. They will not receive low intensity focused ultrasound.