Mental Health Specialist Video Consultations for Primary Care Patients (PROVIDE-C)
Depression, Anxiety Disorder
About this trial
This is an interventional health services research trial for Depression focused on measuring primary care, mental health, telemedicine, video consultations, effectiveness, health services research
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- at least one of the following psychological conditions i) at least moderately severe depression, defined as a PHQ-9 score of 10 or greater with either item one and/or two being endorsed, ii) at least moderately general anxiety disorder, defined as a Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)-7 score of 10 or greater, or iii) exceeding the cut off of 11 points of the combined anxiety and depression score (PHQ-ADS)
- currently no or as yet insufficient treatment (psychotherapy, psychopharmacotherapy, or both) or difficulty with adherence
- capable of giving consent
- written informed consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- substance abuse/dependence that is likely to compromise intervention adherence
- risk of endangerment to others and/or risk of self-endangerment
- need for emergency medical treatment
- acute psychotic symptoms
- severe cognitive impairment or dementia
- significant hearing and/or visual impairment
- pregnancy in the ≥ 2nd Trimester
- prior experience with video consultations as part of the feasibility trial
- insufficient German language proficiency
Sites / Locations
- Heidelberg University
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
mental health specialist video consultation
treatment as usual by the GP
The intervention group will receive five video consultations with psychotherapists directly in the GP's practice. The consultations will be carried out via the web portal of a certified video service provider (arztkonsultation ak GmbH). The patient will be located in the GP's practice and the psychotherapist in his practice or another suitable room. Patients are scheduled for five sessions of 50 minutes.
Routine treatment by the GP, which may or may not include conversations about psychosocial problems and/or referral to specialised services (e.g., inpatient therapy, counseling, self-help).