change in BMI
We will subtract the baseline BMI from the post intervention BMI of the participant. For computation of the BMI values, weight is divided by the square of the height. The latter is assessed with the aid of a stadiometer.
change in waist circumference
Waist circumference will be measured midway between the iliac crest and the lower rib margin. We will subtract the baseline value from the post intervention value to compute the change in waist circumference.
change in waist to hip ratio
Hip circumference will be measured at the point of greatest posterior extension of the buttocks. Waist to hip ratio will be computed (waist in cm divided by height in cm). The baseline waist to hip ratio will be subtracted from the post intervention waist to hip ratio for computation of the change in waist to hip ratio.
change in total body fat
We will perform Dual-Energy X-ray absorptiometry measurements of total body composition (soft lean tissue, bone mineral and fat mass)to estimate the percentage of total body fat content of subjects. We will subtract baseline total body fat from post intervention total body fat to compute change in total body fat.
adbominal adiposity
Using DXA measures, we will estimate abdominal adiposity and subtract baseline from post intervention values.
change in fasting glucose levels
Following an overnight fast, venous blood will be sampled for assessment of fasting glucose. Baseline values will be subtracted from final values for computation of change in fasting glucose levels.
change in 1-hour glucose level following 75-gram glucose load
Following acquistion of fasting venous blood samples, participants will ingest a 75 gram glucose solution. Venous blood will again be sampled for glucose level measurement. We will subtract the baseline 1-hour glucose value from the post intervention 1-hour glucose value to compute change in 1-hour glucose level following 75- gram glucose load. The 60-minute glucose value following the 75-gram glucose load has been demonstrated to be a good predictor of future development of diabetes among those with a normal fasting glucose level.
Proportion with elevated 1-hour glucose level following 75-gram glucose load
Following acquistion of fasting venous blood samples, participants will ingest a 75 gram glucose solution. Venous blood will again be sampled for glucose level measurement. The 60-minute glucose value following the 75-gram glucose load has been demonstrated to be a good predictor of future development of diabetes among those with a normal fasting glucose level (i.e., higher risk with glucose values above 8.6 mmol/L). We will calculate the proportion of participants will a 1- hour glucose level above 8.6 mmol/L at baseline and post intervention and will compare these proportions.
change in 2-hour glucose level following 75-gram glucose load
Following acquistion of fasting venous blood samples, participants will ingest a 75 gram glucose solution. Venous blood will again be sampled for glucose level measurement at 1 hour and at 2 hours after ingestion. We will subtract the baseline 2-hour glucose value from the post intervention 2-hour glucose value to compute change in 2-hour glucose level following 75- gram glucose load.
change in fasting insulin levels
Following an overnight fast, venous blood will be sampled for assessment of fasting insulin. Baseline values will be subtracted from final values for computation of change in fasting insulin levels.
change in 1-hour insulin level following 75-gram glucose load
Following acquistion of fasting venous blood samples, participants will ingest a 75 gram glucose solution. Venous blood will again be sampled for insulin level measurement. We will subtract the baseline 1-hour insulin value from the post intervention 1-hour insulin value to compute change in 1-hour insulin level following 75- gram glucose load.
change in 2-hour insulin level following 75-gram glucose load
Following acquistion of fasting venous blood samples, participants will ingest a 75 gram glucose solution. Venous blood will again be sampled for insulin level measurement at 1 hour and at 2 hours after ingestion. We will subtract the baseline 2-hour insulin value from the post intervention 2-hour insulin value to compute change in 2-hour insulin level following 75- gram glucose load.
change in Homeostatic Model Assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)
We will use fasting glucose and insulin values to compute a measure of insulin resistance, the Homeostatic Model Assessment (HOMA) [Fasting insulin (microunits/mL) X fasting glucose (mmol/L) divided by 22.5]. We will subtract the baseline value from the post intervention value to compute the change in HOMA-IR.
change in insulin sensitivity index 0, 120 (ISI)
Using the ratio of the serum insulin levels at the 0 minute and 120-minute time points, the insulin sensitivity index (ISI 0, 120), another marker of insulin resistance, will be calculated as proposed in Gutt M, Davis CL, Spitzer SB, Llabre MM, Kumar M, Czarnecki EM et al. Validation of the insulin sensitivity index (ISI(0,120)): comparison with other measures. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2000; 47(3):177-184. We will subtract the ISI 0,120 value at baseline from the post intervention value to compute the change in ISI 0,120.
change in systolic blood pressure
Systolic blood pressure will assessed with the participant seated in a quiet room with the arm supported. Measurements will be taken with an automated device at 1-minute intervals for 6 sequential measurements. The latter 5 measurements will be averaged. The baseline (average) systolic blood pressure will be subtracted from the post intervention (average) systolic blood pressure for computation of the change in systolic blood pressure.
change in diastolic blood pressure
Diastolic blood pressure will assessed with the participant seated in a quiet room with the arm supported. Measurements will be taken with an automated device at 1-minute intervals for 6 sequential measurements. The latter 5 measurements will be averaged. The baseline (average) diastolic blood pressure will be subtracted from the post intervention (average) diastolic blood pressure for computation of the change in systolic blood pressure.
change in daily step count
Step counts will be computed at baseline and post intervention assessments using a Yamax SW-200 pedometer, based on one week of recording. The mean daily step count will be computed. The change in average daily step count will be calculated by subtracting the baseline value from the final value.
change in physical activity level
Participants will wear an accelerometer (AGGT3X-Plus 512MB GT3X-Plus Triaxial Activity Monitor) at the hip (elastic belt provided) for a 7-day period at baseline and post intervention. From accelerometry data, we will calculate mean sedentary time per day as well as time at light, moderate, and vigorous activity levels. We will compute changes in mean daily time at various activity levels by subtracting baseline from post intervention values.
change in total cholesterol
Total cholesterol will be measured using spectrophotometer at baseline and post intervention. The baseline value will be subtract from the post intervention value.
change in high density lipoprotein cholesterol
High density lipoprotein cholesterol will be measured using spectrophotometer at baseline and post intervention. The baseline value will be subtract from the post intervention value.
Change in triglyceride levels
Triglyceride levels will be measured using spectrophotometer at baseline and post intervention. The baseline value will be subtract from the post intervention value.
change in low density lipoprotein cholesterol
The low density lipoprotein cholesterol will be calculated using the Friedewald equation at baseline and post intervention, based on total cholesterol and high density lipoprotein cholesterol values measured using spectrophotometer. The baseline values will be subtracted from post intervention values.
change in total cholesterol to high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio
Total cholesterol and high density lipoprotein cholesterol will be measured using spectrophotometer at baseline and post intervetion; the total cholesterol to high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio will be computed at both of these time points. The change in this ratio will be computed by subtracting the baseline ratio from the post intervention ratio.
change in weight of participant's spouse
We will subtract the post intervention weight from the baseline weight to compute the change in weight (participant report). We will divide this value by the baseline weight to compute the percentage change in weight from baseline.
Change in eating habits
We will use the nutritional measures interview from the baseline and post-intervention assessments; we will use the food groups estimation (for both fruits and vegetables separately and combined, as well as Meat and Alternatives, Milk and Alternatives, Grains products) by portions, the water intake estimation in mL, the energy in kcal in the 24 hour recall at both of these time points and subtract the baseline values from the post intervention values.
Change in eating outside of the home
During the baseline and the post-intervention interviews, we will be asking the participants how many times, on average, they eat outside of the home per month. We will subtract the post-intervention value from the baseline value to see the change in eating out.
Change in cooking ability
During the baseline and post-intervention assessments, we ask them about their ability to cook from basic ingredients. We have given a value from 1-7 for the responses to this question, and will calculate the change in this value by subtracting the post-intervention response from the baseline response.
Change in fiber intake
Using the website to track participant food intake, we will take the average of the first month's fiber intake to the last month's fiber intake and subtract the first month average to the last month average to determine the change.
Change in anxiety and depression
Using the "Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale" (HADS), Zigmond & Snaith, 1983, we will score the participant responses (a total of 21 for anxiety and a total of 21 for depression), during both the baseline and the post-intervention assessments. We will then subtract the baseline values from the post-intervention values to calculate the change in anxiety and depression.
Change in measure of self-efficacy for eating control
The Weight Efficacy Life-Style Questionnaire (WEL) will be used during baseline and the post-intervention assessments. We will then use the methods outlined (Clark et al., 1991) to yield 5 sub-scale scores that measure "negative emotions (e.g., eating when sad or anxious), availability (e.g., eating when food is readily available, such as at a party), social pressure (e.g., declining food when others are encouraging eating), physical discomfort (e.g., eating when fatigued or in pain), and positive activities (e.g., eating when watching TV or reading)" (Dutton, GR, et al. 2004). The baseline values will be subtracted from the post-intervention values to yield the change.
Change in perceived stress
Using the perceived stress scale questionnaire (Cohen, S. and Williamson, G. Perceived Stress in a Probability Sample of the United States, 1988.), we will score the responses from the participants at the baseline and post-intervention assessments and calculate the change by subtracting the score of the baseline assessment from the post-intervention assessment.
Change in reported physical activity
Using the "International Physical Activity Questionnaire", we will assess the change from the baseline and post-intervention reported physical activity. We will score the responses using the methods outlined for this questionnaire ( and subtract the baseline score from the post-intervention score to report the change.
Change in mindful eating
During the baseline and the post-intervention assessments, we will be using the "mindful eating questionnaire (MEQ)" (Framson, C., et al , 2009), to measure mindful eating. The change will be calculated by subtracting the baseline scores from the post-intervention scores.