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Multicentric Trial Comparing Three Therapeutical Strategies in Patients With Acute Primary HIV Infection

Primary Purpose

HIV Infections, Primary Acute Infection

Phase 2
Study Type
Antiretroviral combination (drugs)
Pegylated Interferon alpha (drug)
Sponsored by
French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis
Full info

About this trial

This is an interventional treatment trial for HIV Infections focused on measuring HIV infections, Primary acute infection, Interferon-alpha

Eligibility Criteria

18 Years - undefined (Adult, Older Adult)All SexesDoes not accept healthy volunteers

Inclusion Criteria: P24 antigen with positive neutralization or positive plasma HIV RNA Negative or not complete Western Blot With symptoms or not Written informed consent Exclusion Criteria: Previous antiretroviral treatment Pregnancy Biological abnormalities Hepatitis C or B

Sites / Locations


    Primary Outcome Measures

    Plasma HIV RNA at Week 92 and 96 (mean)

    Secondary Outcome Measures

    Plasma HIV RNA kinetics after treatment interruption
    CD4 cell count
    Proviral DNA

    Full Information

    First Posted
    September 12, 2005
    Last Updated
    August 28, 2006
    French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis
    Hoffmann-La Roche

    1. Study Identification

    Unique Protocol Identification Number
    Brief Title
    Multicentric Trial Comparing Three Therapeutical Strategies in Patients With Acute Primary HIV Infection
    Official Title
    Multicentric Trial Comparing Three Therapeutical Strategies in Patients With Acute Primary HIV Infection.ANRS 112 INTERPRIM
    Study Type

    2. Study Status

    Record Verification Date
    August 2006
    Overall Recruitment Status
    Study Start Date
    May 2002 (undefined)
    Primary Completion Date
    undefined (undefined)
    Study Completion Date
    March 2006 (undefined)

    3. Sponsor/Collaborators

    Name of the Sponsor
    French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis
    Hoffmann-La Roche

    4. Oversight

    5. Study Description

    Brief Summary
    Treatment of acute primary HIV infection may improve long-term outcome. However, optimal treatment is still debated. The ANRS 112-INTERPRIM trial evaluates three different therapeutical strategies, combining permanent or intermittent HAART and a cytokine, interferon alpha, in order to determine which combination allows the best control of HIV viremia after 24 weeks of antiretroviral treatment interruption
    Detailed Description
    Treatment of acute primary HIV infection may improve long-term outcome. However, optimal treatment is still debated. The main objective of this multicentric randomized phase II/III study is to compare HIV viremia 92 and 96 weeks after acute primary HIV infection, between patients treated with 3 different strategies. In the first group, patients receive antiretroviral drugs (HAART) continuously up to week 72. In the second group, patients receive HAART continuously up to week 36, then intermittently up to week 72. In the third group, patients receive HAART as in group II, and pegylated interferon alpha is administered for the initial 14 weeks, then for 3 weeks at each of the 3 HAART interruption between week 36 and week 72. All patients are monitored without any HAART up to week 96. Enrolled patients have circulating p24 antigen and/or HIV viremia, an uncompleted HIV western blot, between 18 and 65 years old, and agree to participate to the study. They should have received no antiretroviral drugs, not be pregnant, without neuro-psychological or autoimmune disorders, without chronic hepatitis. Secondary objectives of the study are: the quality of immune restoration, the anti-HIV immune response, safety and adhesion to treatment. A total of 90 patients (30 in each group) have been enrolled.

    6. Conditions and Keywords

    Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
    HIV Infections, Primary Acute Infection
    HIV infections, Primary acute infection, Interferon-alpha

    7. Study Design

    Primary Purpose
    Study Phase
    Phase 2, Phase 3
    Interventional Study Model
    Parallel Assignment
    None (Open Label)
    90 (false)

    8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions

    Intervention Type
    Intervention Name(s)
    Antiretroviral combination (drugs)
    Intervention Type
    Intervention Name(s)
    Pegylated Interferon alpha (drug)
    Primary Outcome Measure Information:
    Plasma HIV RNA at Week 92 and 96 (mean)
    Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
    Plasma HIV RNA kinetics after treatment interruption
    CD4 cell count
    Proviral DNA

    10. Eligibility

    Minimum Age & Unit of Time
    18 Years
    Accepts Healthy Volunteers
    Eligibility Criteria
    Inclusion Criteria: P24 antigen with positive neutralization or positive plasma HIV RNA Negative or not complete Western Blot With symptoms or not Written informed consent Exclusion Criteria: Previous antiretroviral treatment Pregnancy Biological abnormalities Hepatitis C or B
    Overall Study Officials:
    First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
    Dominique Emilie, MD
    Organizational Affiliation
    Hôpital Antoine Béclère, Clamart, France
    Official's Role
    Principal Investigator
    First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
    Genevieve Chene, MD, PhD
    Organizational Affiliation
    INSERM U593, Bordeaux, France.
    Official's Role
    Study Director

    12. IPD Sharing Statement

    Learn more about this trial

    Multicentric Trial Comparing Three Therapeutical Strategies in Patients With Acute Primary HIV Infection

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