Natural History of Salivary Gland Dysfunction and Sjogren's Syndrome
Lymphoma, Salivary Gland Disease, Sjogren's Syndrome

About this trial
This is an observational trial for Lymphoma focused on measuring Xerostomia, Oral Dryness, Salivary Function
Eligibility Criteria
INCLUSION CRITERIA: Male and female subjects. All subjects will have first participated in screening protocol 84-D-0056 to confirm their diagnosis and assess salivary function. Subjects must have dry mouth symptoms (xerostomia) and a diagnosis of primary or secondary SS, incomplete SS, or radiation-induced salivary gland dysfunction (as determined in protocol 84-D-0056). Diagnostic criteria for SS are the American-European Consensus Group Classification Criteria: For primary Sjogren s syndrome, any 4 of the 6 criteria, must include item IV (Histopathology) or VI (Auto-antibodies) or any 3 of the 4 objective criteria (III, IV, V, VI). For secondary Sjogren s syndrome, must have established connective tissue disease, one symptom (I or II) plus 2 of the 3 objective criteria (III, IV, VI). Ocular symptoms (at least one) Daily persistent dry eyes for greater than 3 months? Recurrent sensation of sand or gravel in the eyes? Use of tear substitutes greater than 3 x/day? Oral symptoms (at least one) Daily feeling of dry Mouth greater than 3 months Recurrent or persistently swollen salivary glands as an adult? Frequently drink liquids to aid in swallowing dry foods? Ocular signs (at least one) Schirmer s test, (without anesthesia) greater than or equal to 5mm/5 minutes Positive vital dye staining (van Bijsterveld greater than or equal to 4) Histopathology: Lip biopsy showing focal lymphocytic sialadenitis (focus score greater or equal to 1 per 4mm squared) Oral signs (at least one) Unstimulated whole salivary flow (greater or equal to 1.5 ml in 15 minutes) Abnormal parotid sialography Abnormal salivary scintigraphy Auto-antibodies (at least one) Anti-SSA (Ro) or Anti-SSB (La) EXCLUSION CRITERIA FOR DIAGNOSIS OF SS: Past head and neck radiation treatment Hepatitis C infection Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Pre-existing lymphoma Sarcoidosis Graft versus host disease Current use of anticholinergic drugs EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Failure to complete evaluation procedures as specified in 84-D-0056. Diagnosis of drug-related xerostomia. Age less than 4 years. There are no exclusions based on gender, race, or ethnicity. Salivary gland dysfunction is uncommon in children and exceedingly rare in those less than 4 years old. Additionally, the evaluation method described in the protocol cannot be used in this age group. ULTRASOUND GUIDED CORE NEEDLE BIOPSY OF THE PAROTID GLAND Adult subjects already enrolled in this protocol and healthy volunteers will be eligible for this research procedure if they fulfill the criteria below and sign the parotid biopsy consent form. Healthy volunteers will be recruited only for the ultrasound guided core needle biospy of the parotid gland. They will sign the parotid biopsy consent form only. INCLUSION CRITERIA: Age 18 years or older. Ability to give informed consent. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: History of bleeding diathesis or the current use of anticoagulants. Any uncontrolled or severe chronic disease.
Sites / Locations
- National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, 9000 Rockville Pike